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Free AD811 IV Boards

I have 3 spare AD811 IV empty boards as described here:

I have successfully built one:

I truly like the sound of this board with my Miro AD1862 DAC.

I would like to give away 3 spare empty boards (limited to 1 board per member) if it make sense for you to pay US$2 for regular letter mail for the board to be sent to you.
If you like to have tracking available, it would cost US$9 for the shipping as registered package.

Paypal as family and friends only please.
I have 3 spare AD811 IV empty boards as described here:

I have successfully built one:

I truly like the sound of this board with my Miro AD1862 DAC.

I would like to give away 3 spare empty boards (limited to 1 board per member) if it make sense for you to pay US$2 for regular letter mail for the board to be sent to you.
If you like to have tracking available, it would cost US$9 for the shipping as registered package.

Paypal as family and friends only please.
I would love one!