I am looking for information on Forgings woofers. These are manufactured by Forgings Industrial Co. ltd in Taipei. In particular I am interested in seeing published data on the LW series of sound reinforcement drivers. Anyone have that data?
Got a phone number from Music Yellow Pages, http://www.musicyellowpages.com/sacpg.htm, plus a website you can make contact with. I am sure someone in the office speaks English. Might be worth a quick phone call.
Phone number: Forgings Industrial Co., LTD .................................................. 011 886-2-2585-3316~7
Website: http://www.globalsources.com/Genera...&action=GetSupplier&supplier_id=6008800517099
Further contact information is available on that web page.
Good luck!
[Edited by kelticwizard on 10-23-2001 at 03:53 AM]
Got a phone number from Music Yellow Pages, http://www.musicyellowpages.com/sacpg.htm, plus a website you can make contact with. I am sure someone in the office speaks English. Might be worth a quick phone call.
Phone number: Forgings Industrial Co., LTD .................................................. 011 886-2-2585-3316~7
Website: http://www.globalsources.com/Genera...&action=GetSupplier&supplier_id=6008800517099
Further contact information is available on that web page.
Good luck!
[Edited by kelticwizard on 10-23-2001 at 03:53 AM]
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