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Focal Drivers for sale (Utopia)::::: financial problems =(

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Focal Drivers for sale (Utopia)::::: $425 for 6 drivers!!!

Due to some "unforseen" financial problems, I have to abandon my HT project...it really sucks because I almost had everything I needed.
I have the following drivers remaining. They are BRAND NEW in the box! They haven't been used other than making sure they work after they arived at my house.

Focal TC120tdx2--shielded (3 of them)
Focal 5W4252 (Utopia) (2 unshielded...1 shielded).

using Zalytron price list, the total for the 6 drivers would cost $576 (the focal shielding kit cost $18).

I would be willing to sell for considerably less..ESPECIALLY if you are willing to buy all 6 driver. $425 and they are yours!! That is $151 of of retail pricing (I haven't seen a sale on ANY of these drivers since they were introduced!)

..as I said in the title, my loss your gain.

FYI, I am in the southern california area (northern Orange county)

...what also sucks is I may have to sell my sub amps and SV-10's....a sad day that would be=(....

[Edited by Gomer on 06-02-2001 at 10:41 PM]
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