Flat Earthers

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The biggest problem in these things is mixing true with lies.
Of course, even if flat earth is 100% true, nobody likes to confess being manipulated and lied, makes you feel like donkey...even the most intelligent people could be indoctrinated.
One of the interesting things (for me) are Nasa videos from crew from space (ISS
for example) talking to some tv reporter, like this one:

When standing on the ground in Edmonton Alberta, one looks west and sees only horizon. As you gain elevation inside the office towers you begin to see the Rocky Mountains emerge. What explanation other than a rounded earth explains this?

You don't have to answer :)
Flat earthers find a harsh environment here in Argentina.

1) Buenos Aires is 50km across the Rio de la Plata from Colonia, in Uruguay.
Fishing is very popular, and fishermen can NOT see Colonia on the other side, just the city lights glare at night.

From any building on the river side you start seeing Colonia buildings, from 10th floor and above.

From 20th floor up, you can see the opposite coastline.

It is NOT a distance/blurring/amplification problem, the exact same high power telescopes which let you see surprising detail at floor level from a Buenos Aires high riser do not let you do so from our coastline.

Not attributable to fog or thermal disturbances, we regularly get a freezing dry South Polar wind which freezes everything and carries air humidity , smog, dust, whatever away, and leaves sky perfect blue by day and coal black with "diamond" shining stars by night.

Better than the "disappearing ship masts" explanation (which of course is true), where somebody might argue ship distance, here City to City distance is constant and perfectly known.

Shortest explanation: curved Earth.

Longest one? ... oh you can *imagine* anything, be my guest.

From conspiracies to UFOs to matrix to Man´s Sins to ........


By the way, tens of thousands people (if not hundreds thousands) have seen that with their own eyes, since it´s part of everyday living in Buenos Aires.
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Part II ;)
We Argentines are proud of our straight line Argentina/Australia "Transpolar" flight, which has been running by .... oh .... 30 years ;)
Yes, plane goes straight South ..... dissappears in the Twilight Zone? The 4th Dimension? ..... and miraculously appears on Australia or New Zealand sky coming from the .... South :eek:

Maybe some UFO kidnaps it when leaving Argentina and frees it "on the other side"?
Look at this Sydney Airport departure screen, showing only *direct* flights.
Most are "normal" : roughly Northbound and with Asian destinations ... notice the odd one?
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

That same Chinese passenger, coming to Argentina by the short path (meaning not through USA, not through Europe) and easily saving 8to 12 hours total trip time (explain that ) posted this picture of the back seat screen showing actual plane position:

and here´s the picture he took through the window at that moment:
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
JMFahey they say that is a perspective argument for not being able to see across the sea. As for taking shortest flight paths, I am told the globe isn't correct to begin with.

I got some more juicy tidbits.

Apparently the moonlight isn't actually reflected sunlight. I am told the light has a cooling effect.

I haven't got a good explanation of the Coriolis effect yet but I am waiting. I put forth an argument that long range weaponry needs to account for earth rotation and curvature.
Joined 2004
Paid Member
1) Buenos Aires is 50km across the Rio de la Plata from Colonia, in Uruguay.
Fishing is very popular, and fishermen can NOT see Colonia on the other side, just the city lights glare at night.
And yet a quick search of the internet will show you clear photos of US cities from across the great lakes in Canada. Cities that should be below the horizon. How?
Joined 2004
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It does bend a little, it's called refraction. But that's been known for ages. If it doesn't bend more than that, and you can see things that should be below the horizon, what does that mean? It's the very basis of many flat earth experiments.
And yet a quick search of the internet will show you clear photos of US cities from across the great lakes in Canada. Cities that should be below the horizon. How?

I've been to the top of Capulin (Chokecherry) volcano (NM) and saw 5 states from the summit. I couldn't see them from the base.

Does this prove the world is flat, or nearly spherical? Neither, but it more greatly supports the concept that the world is round.

There is a preponderance of evidence that the world is round, or nearly so. To argue that the world is flat is naive.

The sniper on the grassy knoll, the moon landing was a hoax, The world is controlled by the Masons, The world is controlled by the Rothchields family, The world is controlled by the illuminati, .........
Then that must be the answer, no? Is there nothing else that can bend light? I think there is.....gravity for instance would add to the effect, do the scientists know by how much? Is it possible they could be wrong? Maybe there is something else as well but I'm running out of ideas now.....
Yes, but the edges are still frozen. I hate it when that happens.

The cosmic "cook" didn't nuke it for a few minutes to thaw before baking.

the moon landing was a hoax

My daughter in all her internet reading Facebook posting wisdom, began to believe that one. Born in 1981, by the time she could watch Sci Fi on TV things like Star Wars were flowing out of Hollywood. Yes it would be possible for any of the big movie studios to make a convincing fake moon landing in the 90's. However the moon landings happened in the late 60's and early 70's. Go watch an episode of the original Star Trek series, and ask yourself, could you convince yourself that it was real?

In fact Hollywood did make a movie about faking a Mars landing. It did a lot to provoke some of the moon landing conspiracy theories......If you believe that O J Simpson could possibly be an astronaut, watch Capricorn One. I saw it in the movie theater sometime in the late 70's?
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