First discrete amp, Need help with NTE 390, 391, 375, 398, and BD140, 139 project

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Although I have a licenced copy of microsoft XP which came with the computer when purchased they wont like all the third party kernells,
After that theyd be most welcome to try sue me, they still have a couple of unresolved lawsuits against them here in europe and so far theyve lost all previous cases and paid over 600 million Euros in fines

Cool ..go euro :smash: :smash: :smash: I like to
collect all them "authentic stickers" , you know.. the shiny ones..
Make all my XP's legal with one simple registry entry..:D

Sticker on case = number in registry. Somebody had to buy
the OS , I'm just reusing it (conservation/green)..:D

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Os I dont quite see it that way, they made it, paid salaries and all that so they should be paid for a copy of the software but if I decide to change and add something to it thats my call, who are they to decide what I can or cannot do and block attempts at improvements.

BTW have you thought of mods to the triple outputstage yet, try tying the emiters of the predriver and driver to the rails and operating these at high class a currents, you might like but thats for fruga thread.
I dont quite see it that way, they made it

And they got paid for it, (95$) then some idiot got duped into
buying Veeesta and a new PC,
and they threw a perfectly good licence away.
who holds the sticker holds the licence.
I do nothing illegal (I read EULA's) XP pro needs no activation.
They even make people here pay to downgrade to XP,
More BS. like making you buy a modern fast transistor
then making you pay again to get the original.

They say the money goes into more innovation ..BS
you call vista innovation . Win 7 is just vista "fixed"
(steal more money off the "sheep") I sell you something
broken , don't give you your money back, then charge you
for the "fixed version" 2 years later. WOW
Ha... just a way to get people to
buy more memory and hardware.. what a scam (theft).

It's worse than that for EDA/ECAD software . 2 main vendors .
You buy the software ,then pay dearly for yearly Licences .
These companies frown on multi Billion companies ,
leveraging productivity , from measly million dollar licenses .

Competition amongst 2 vendors has little effect on prices/quality .
Most design houses, are so embedded in one, they won't switch .
Oh well , supporting this confusion , has been my living 10yrs .
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Well, the software industry is due for a "correction". :devilr:

In my book, the lemon law should apply here. It's fact that other software vendors can sell completed product that isn't broken. And that's on the same variety of machines that u$oft is claiming causes all their problems. The size of the kernal is staggering, and I just downloaded 248 MB of patches last night for my other XP machine.

Gimme a break! 248 MB of code ..... FOR PATCHES!! That is an unreasonable situation and pretty much proves how broken that software is. On top of that, this machine was up to date, but I hadn't run it for about a month.

ostripper said:
I guess we are on the same page, I just became fully "amd free".
. . .

There's a trick to stabilize AMD 754
Use one of each: 1024mb memory chip and 512mb memory chip
Unfortunately, the 2 socket AMD 754 is limited to 1.5gb if you happen to want the utmost in stability.
However, a 3 socket board can use 1gb, 0.5gb, 1gb, in that order, making 2.5gb.
Either option will force 333 speed (whenever the 754 uses at least 2 memory chips and they don't match in size).

For stabilizing AMD 939, AM2, etc.
Use only 1 memory controller or don't put a matching size amount on both memory controllers simultaneously. That will disable dual channel. You can easily get about 3gb this way (just about maxes out XP Pro).

This approach de-rates the speed of the memory controller and/or decreases its workload. Having done so, most boards will auto-select the tighter timings listed onboard the memory chip (or simply make the controller less conflicted), and just about break-even on speed, showing that, except for lovely advertisements, it had been unnecessary to overrun the memory controllers and crash. ;)

An example for the AM2 is like:
Dual channel DDR2 800 at Cas 5 or
Single channel DDR2 667 at Cas 4
IF in the case that the 800 is less stable, then the 667 example will actually run a faster average.

Other notes:
1). As for XP Home, the single channel Athlon 64 "Orleans" with 2.6 GHz at less than $40 is going to run faster than and more stable than a terribly confused Phenom operating only one core.
2). When the motherboard is compatible with it, the lower power consumption versions of AMD, about 45W are less likely to stress out the motherboard. . . except that one probably needs to turn off the "cool-n-quiet" feature in order to stabilize the voltage and throughput. The more efficient chip rockets up and down from nearly 0 to 45, easily freaking out sound cards, which is probably an unnecessary thing for it to be doing.
3). The usual motherboard automatic fan controller can also make sound card noise. Instead of that method, the "can't hear it" CoolerMaster (probably equipped with a blue LED bonus) plus a "Fan Funnel" (if used on stock cooler) is a bit more simple take on "cool and quiet." Its just so much nicer to blow the air down the center of the heatsink, rather than off the edge. ;)

As for pro systems, its hard to contemplate having to do work-arounds to get stable memory; but, that's been the difference I'm seeing between AMD and Intel. When that difference is canceled out, then they seem to run quite similar. Still, some of the chipsets that support AMD can be a bit of trouble for some sound cards (as seen earlier in this thread with Nvidia 410).
The size of the kernal is staggering, and I just downloaded 248 MB of patches last night for my other XP machine.

Hi chris, That does seem a little excessive. I have the first
XP (2000 Q3) and the last (2008 sept. SP3) , on disk it
just "grows" by about 90 megs. Not encouraging you to do
anything illegal , but download the latest torrent of xp3,
and the client...

IF you have a SP2 PRO licence , you should be able to enter
your key with regedit.
It sounds like MS is patching a lot of "bells and whistles" on
your system ,as 250M is larger than my whole SYS32 folder.
(see attachment) the kernel is only ntsokrnl.exe + svhost
(25-50meg)... dynamic as svhost integrates more or less Dll's
into memory. A lot of xp's size is only backup /database
(The big purple one ,"') The only other "hogs"
spacewise are hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys.

Automatic update is a joke, I would rather go right to the "end"
(that torrent - patched till 11/09) instead of letting M$ micromanage me, deciding what I "need". I will add any
media codec "updates" (WMP 11??) or "silverlight" (futile
attempt to compete with flash- better annoying ads) :mad:
as I see fit...(NOT)
By DWB -For stabilizing AMD 939, AM2, etc.

yes , I owned one for 3 years.. never had stability problems,
just initial driver issues. But if I ever had to cripple My memory
config (disable Dual) that board would "be outta here"
Amd 's with onboard mem controller, seem to be picky about
quality.. corsair XMS DDR2 they like (150 systems) not one RMA.
Intel has outboard controller, seems to like any memory.



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Hi ostripper,
I was already at SP3 with XP. :boggled: However, I haven't rebooted the system "to complete the installation". I'll do that right now...
Okay, it came up, but "could not reconnect with all network drives". I guess the server needs a reboot. I noticed it does this when it's been up for months without a restart.

Okay, 4 more updates for windows and products. :apathic: Okay, round and round we go.

I have learned that you should never use the update feature on automatic. You miss important updates that way. I have used the administrator options a few times, but it didn't buy me much. So I just check every now and then (auto is on, but I must invoke the update). One update type that seems to be large is the .NET Framework stuff. That might be why my updates are larger than yours, just a guess.

Hmmm, found two more for this machine that I wasn't prompted for. One for Root certificates and the other for Media player - figures, it's for DRM protected stuff. :rolleyes: When will it end?

My other one is still up, and so is this one. Cool! :cool:

I was already at SP3 with XP

But not the one that i linked you too.. it has all the security
updates (57) already integrated from XP3 release to 11/08,
since then only about 20 more have come along .. most are BS.
also no search dog, unlimited tcpip.sys connections, non-essential
services OFF, MS added media/intro gone,tweak ui and supercalc,
all auto" stuff" off (can be reactivated)

have you ever "cleaned " services.. MS (or anyone else)
has multiple backdoors into your system.. :devilr: :devilr:
As an example.. do you even use anything that "needs" .net??
if not ,don't use it. If you see a program you like that does
check to see if any comparable programs exist, use them instead.
Control the "bloat" by choice..

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Hi ostripper,
But not the one that i linked you too.
True enough ....

most are BS.

have you ever "cleaned " services
I'm not sure what you mean by that. Can you please s'plane to me?

MS (or anyone else) has multiple backdoors into your system..
Yeah. I know, and when someone finds one, it's an "attack", so they plug that and open another. Just plugging the MS issues would probably make Windblows secure.

I view MS's back doors as a B&E and completely unlawful. What do you think the real cost of running MS products is? That's if you add up all the MIS time, and everyone who has been forced to reload Windoze due to MS issues? I'm going to bet that the figure would eliminate US debt. Probably end world hunger and ensure peace for everyone as well. :clown:

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Can you please s'plane to me?

RUN /type.. services.msc

(attached) is a example of "deadweight" for me..
most are self- explanatory in nature (description),

for example.. if you have no wireless devices ,disable wireless
wireless zero config..

any service with the words "reporting" kill it :smash:

you can google any service and find great detail about it
DO NOT disable RPC or logical disk manager.

see this link for things you can :smash: kill with option
to re-enable..,2845,1786006,00.asp

This is just basic list.. there are others that are unneeded
especially if your system is for HT theater/audio use...

This brings me to the vista/drm issue ...XP does not like
blu ray (drm city):mad: the only way around this is to
record your blue ray onto HD divx (with a capture card)
from a player ,or "downgrade' to vista/7.

XP has about 45 services loaded by default (vista 80+)
I,m down to 26 with full network/HT/audio functionality..
The backdoors are there by design and the service scheme
is a major contributor..


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Hi ostripper,
Thank you. I'm on a mission! :D

It's been a while, but I used to trim down OS/2 (it was easy) and some earlier Windows. I kinda gave up.

Tell me, is there a registry entry to have XP come up with the darn "NumLock" on? My pet peeve with XP.


Edit: I've got some of that turned off already under control panel-administrative tools-services. I was part way there.
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Hi ostripper,
nope, that usually a BIOS setting (hardware enumeration)
That's how it's set (I do all mine like that). As it boots, I get to watch the light go on, then off. If I dual boot another OS, it stays on, or swap the drive with another OS, it stays on. Every single XP machine I have gets turned off by XP. Vista leaves this alone (why did they choose to meddle anyway???).

The coding teams at u$oft must be one heck of an arrogant bunch!

Thanks though.

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Joined 2006
Chris yes there is,

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard]

In some bios settings there is a setting for keyboard support or something in that line, this must be activated for the registry key to function. The key here is to change the value to 2, have a look where it is set at the moment. Sometimes the value name and the binary data is not even in the registry, then just include it .

Works for me and is one of the first things I hacked in XP.
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Hi homemodder,
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard]
I am searching with regedit right now. I see the value for this is already set (=2). This obviously doesn't work for me, so I'll do some research on this key.

Thank you very, very much! I have to deal with this every single time I boot. If we can get rid of this one annoyance, I'll be pretty happy.

-Chris ;)

Edit: I also found this registry change ....
[HKEY USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard] "InitialKeyboardIndicators"="2"
At this site There are more hints there.
As for my machine, I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Chris yes there is
thank you, homemodder.. I learned something :cool:

I don't dual boot , so I never had this issue.
(different systems for different OS's)

Chris, do you live in the country.. here in Knoxville, EVERY
week I usually end up with 2 or more fully installed
XP boxes. they "throw out" 3ghz P4 HT systems
everywhere. (boy do I love Veeesta), so I always
have 5 or more pretty powerful PC's to test ubuntu's on.
I actually have a garage full of working pc's that XP would
fly on, and half of them would do a good job on win7
with twice the memory.

I wish they threw out as many pro amps, I'd be on
top of the heap around here..:D
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Hi ostripper,
Well, I sure wish I lived in the USA right now. As it happens, I live just outside of Toronto in Canada (yes, it's frozen again up here). :)

The fastest machine I have is 1.8 GHz, don't ask about memory and stuff like that. Let's just suffice to say that I strongly doubt that Vista would even boot. Maybe a good thing? My previous machine was 700 MHz, so this one is quite a step up for me.

Maybe once I pay down my credit card, I could afford the shipping up here. At least someone is benefiting from Vista though! ;) That's a nice situation, and you deserve it. You're a pretty helpful guy around here.

Amps. Yeah, I'd love to see some amps being trashed. Nice old school things I could rebuild into a prototype. The same thing you could use! Too bad city dumps wouldn't be more willing to recycle by offering these things up.

thank you chris, I have a BUNCH of 2.0ghz P4's and I might
even throw them out. All were tested in my sons intel P4 MB
for a day each.. I would give them to somebody ,but nobody
wants them. I think 2 of them are 2.4GHz socket 478.. what a
shame..i also have 1 GiG ddr333 mem.. nobody even wants it
all ddr2/3 here...
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Joined 2006
Hi Chris

If it didnt work in current user go ahead and place it in user. Depends on how you installed the os. The current user is for administrator rights on the computer, if you only have user rights on the pc the key will have to be entered in the user section. Do both, to be sure. For example say on a network 2 computers want this option on but not on the server. The administrator will change the 2 computers at the user key while for the server, changes would be made to the current user key.

I have heard from some programmers that this trick sometimes doesnt work on amd based motherboard and processor although I have never come accross it.
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