First Amplifier - comments my BoZ Pcb please.. :-)

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Hi to all, thi is my first post.... and my first project.

I'm very newbie to diy audio and so i decided to build a simple amplifier, the Bride of Zen preamp....

the board has a slightly modified layout, because i have some of 16x10 eurocard PCB cards available., and i've added both a resistor and a connector just after C1 to power up two LEDs (not in the drawing), one for on/off activity and one for current input selection.

how do you think about the layout? and may the added resistor require changing mains fuse ratings?

thanks in advance!



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i send u the pcb files and schematic written in Eagle.

i've reutilized some of the components (expecially the poly caps) i've at my disposal at work. the caps are 250v rated, instead of 100..

R4 is a 4w 2.2kohm resistor, to power the two Leds.

the connectors are all wago-style connectors, step 5.08 mm. the rest of the components came from he original document at

and the size of the card is 160x100 mm.

keep me informed! :smash: :D
ok! i send u the files containing PCb and circuit, and the PS export of the board (copper side)

remember i've not tested this board yet! probably i'll start the construction tomorrow or so...

i upgrade the fuse rating to 160 mA slow-blow, but i don't know if it's a good mod... :rolleyes:


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A considerable amount of time... including the first attempts.

the first time i've tried to position the components according to Mr PAss'original schematic, then autoroute the tracks with eagle, but the results aren't good... the autorouter did follow too long paths and the clearance between nets are too low... :confused:

the second attempt was more "studied"... i've positioned the components in order to achieve a 'ground circle' surrounding the other tracks of the PCB. then, i route the tracks manually. The routing operation take me about 30-40 minutes.. and the result are on top of this 3D..

and now that i've the circuit fully functional, i'm thinking about adding a active crossover (like elliot's P09) after the out pots. What's your opinion regarding this idea? pro's? cons? am I totally Brain-Fused? :)

Semi-Final test completed!

i'm totally satisfied with the result! the sound is absolutely ASTONISHING! :cool: :cool: :cool:

i've tried with one of the last Dreamtheater's CD . "falling into infinity". .

expecially the track 3 - "peruvian skies": it seems LaBrie and Petrucci come to visit my living room... hehehe! Some particular guitar passages i've never heard were clearly audible!

the only problem was the volume control rely on a bad log potentiometer, and so the balance between channels isn't perfect.. next days i'll try to fix it..

for now, however, i'm very happy with the result!

:yes: :yes: :yes:
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