FIR filters: how to get the filter coefficients?

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Hey there.

To make one thing clear: I don't want to talk about the pro's and con's of FIR filters! So don't start on that 😉

So, what do I want to talk about then? Well, I'm interested in experimenting with an active 3-way speaker system. For this, I would like to use BruteFIR (like some others here on the).

But the thing is: you'll need to create the filter coefficients yourzelf. And sadly, I'm not an expert on that (I know the basics though). So I'm looking for some free software (preferably linux command line tools), to create nice phase-linear filters with as little pre-ringing as possible, with a fairly small tab size. Up until now, I didn't find anything usable. I looked at the sources of AlmusVCU (same author as BruteFIR), and found some stuff there to create some bastic filters, but I'd have to hack it a lot to create a usefull tool 😉 . So If you know some great tools, or some tutorial to use Matlab or Octave, please let me know! Also something to visualize the coefficients (frequency response) would be great.
If you do this for a living, you could do far worse than ScopeFIR. It's a nice little Windows package with all the graphing you could possibly want, including graphs of imported coefficients, which comes in quite useful when using subtractive FIRs for the other band ((delayed signal) - FIR LP = FIR HP).

It's a hundred bucks; I've gotten many times that much use from it.

Frankie-Bob says two thumbs up!


disclaimer: no ties to iowegian whatsoever, just a satisfied customer.
All very nice, but there are two problems: those are Windows tools, and those are NOT free 😉

3'rd problem is that I want to integrate in into a home-made crosover designer that will spit out a BruteFIR config file automagicly.
Thanks jcx! That looks like some neet tools.

I still like the java applet though, since it can find the optimal length of the filter, and passband and attenuation be set. Best of all is that I can simply use the stuff directly in my onw tools (of course I'll need to straighten out some bugs).

Scilab looks fine too, but I'd have to do more work to have it usable. But I guess, it is a lot more flexible! So it might very well be worth it.
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