Finalising speaker design, Crossovers, Time alignment, Hypex FA253

Hi All,

I've just finished designing and assembling a 3 way sealed active floor standing speaker using
12″ SB34NRXL75-8
SATORI TW29BN-8 Beryllium Tweeter

It's running off a Hypex FA253, so crossovers and dsp etc all done through there.
It's my first time properly using Rew and the first time using the Hypex amps.

I'm at the point where i have preliminary crossovers done, all 4th order LR to get me started.

I've been trying to work out how to use Rew properly to do time alignment of the drivers.
I know I need to use the timing reference options, but the loopback etc just confuses me.

I bought a UMC202HD & EMM-6 mic, so i have the dual channel input/output and the XLR mic.
I'm not sure how to wire it up proper to look at driver timing alignment.

Has anyone got the same/similar gear that can offer some guidance?

Thanks heaps!
In the measurement window select 'use loopback as timing reference' on the timing tab.
Take your stereo out from the UMC202 and run the right channel (output 2) output to your amp.
Take the left output channel (output 1) and connect it to the left input (input 1) channel on the UMC202. Set input 1 to line level.
Connect your measurement microphone to input 2.

I generally use a UMIK for most measurements, but used to use a behringer mic and shark preamp which was similar to your setup.
