fet matching

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i am building an aleph 5 and am beginning to match the fets. i have a 13.8 vdc power supply and am using a 10 ohm 10 watt source resistor. i start to get ~4 volts across the fet and then it increased to 13.8. i am using a heatsink for the fet but it still heats up quite a bit. i'm stumped, i used the pass fet matching scheme posted for the A-75. can anyone help? i'm sure that i'm doing something really stupid, i just don't know what.
The A75 scheme will work fine.

The devices will warm up with the test, and even
get hot, since they are running at 4 watts or
so during test.

I am confused when you say you get 13.8 volts,
which sounds like the MOSFET opened up.
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