FE168EZ Sigma FAST help

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Hello guys.
My teardrop is still in the making.Possibly longest build in diy history 🙂
Anyways, I will make an order to a CNC company shortly for the bottom bass part.
I have two options. SS 22W discovery or Peerles SLS8, 2 per side.

Dont want to do it active with miniDSP. I want to connect to one amp only.Therefore a passive XO is in the works.
What frequency would you choose and what type of XO?

I have some limited knowledge on 1st 3nd 3rd order etc ...

Please help.

barackuda, it would be so much easier if you could be persuaded to come over to the dark side, you know... DSP 😉

But it would help if you showed a measurement of your marvellous teardrops. Show it's frequency response for starters, just to determine what the low end would need to do to compliment that. Have you decided on a look yet?
Hi wesayso, no measurement yet, remodeling the room for HT/Audio and also need measuring equipment. And as always, budget is tight right now.
The DSP ides is still with me, I was thinking the passive way, for ease of connection and simplicity of gear. If it's not working ,I will go the active way.

Passive is tough with FAST as the XO frequency is so low you need a very big inductor and capacitor. If you could be persuaded to get two amps and have a passive line level XO that would be better as parts are small caps and resistors.

If your drivers are wide bandwidth go first order and setback the full range for fine aligned transient perfext. Not knowing where your response curve is I would say put XO at about 350Hz to 500Hz highest. Higher uses smaller value inductors.
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