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For Sale F7 clone fully built and tested

Things you have for sale.
I have for sale the F7 clone kit fully built and used for around 100+ hrs in a 5U/400mm case. I have since moved to SIT amp this amp boards are not being used and would like to go to a deserving member. I got this fully matched kit of parts including the PCB boards from one of the forum member. All high quality parts with PRP resistors, matched ALFET transistors, pre-trimmed original bourns trimmers and I got the matched Toshiba jfets from the store. The matching info as the numbered stickers which was sold to me I have retained it on the pcb board for reference. As these PCB boards are not UMS compatible I used wires to mount the transistors. No difference in sound quality and it works well and can be easily used with UMS chassis or pre-drilled mounting hole chassis. I have left the power cables soldered to the PCB and if the buyer wants can desolder the same including the high quality silver plated PTFE input cables. Asking $175 including shipping within CONUS states.


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