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For Sale F6 boards - built and tested

Things you have for sale.
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Set of F6 First Watt clone boards, built and tested. These were built and intalled in a Modushop 4U chassis for testing and biasing. I built up 4 boards in total but only need one pair so these 2 boards are being offered for sale as a set. Quality components and solder used - matched jfets purchased from DIYAudio Store.

$250USD + shipping costs.
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Wasn't the complete kit boards with parts -$169?
Hi Limono, with the kit you will still need to buy the matched JFETs. Add tax and you're pretty much there in terms of the price. I'd agree and always encourage anyone to built this and other amps themselves, but for those how don't want to here's a chance to buy a clean set of well built, tested and biased F6 boards.