Experimenting with tripath output filter

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Hello folks,

just playing around a TA2020 board to get rid of some residual harshness in top end and annoying sibilance

Swapping output filter caps didn't give me big results, so I tried something apparently weird: removed caps at all and leave only inductors :tongue:

Well, surprise surprise, everything seems ok now, top end very extended, defined, and crystal clear, without any trace of sibilance, and also bass seems to have gained tightness and power

The idea comes from this paper http://www.tij.co.jp/jp/lit/an/slyt198/slyt198.pdf

Any considerations?
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😀 very funny

Yes it's a first order filter, but with the same fcut frequency

No. You moved the Fcut down by 1.414 so it now starts well within the audio frequency band and basically cuts away much of the top end.

You think it's funny? TA2020 is spread spectrum from 100KHz-1Mhz. That means you're sending out RF noise at aircraft navigation and emergency frequencies as well and AM radio frequencies.
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With the capacitor....



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I had suggested the same cap removal in another thread one yar ago and it finally revealed a very natural sound with no more treble peak due to the interaction of the 2nd order filter and the real life speakers impedance.
The interference threat is wrong as if you consider the huge speaker impedance at the tripath operating frequency, the radiated power is insignificant to create harm to air traffic communications. I have an old valve AM receiver from 1957 in the same room, and you can not hear anything whatever the tuned fequency that covers easily the tripath ones
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