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Exciting new line of fullrange drivers from Feastrex

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Dear all,

Hi there everyone,

I mentioned last week that I would have more information on my Oniyanma enclosure coming soon. So I was writing now to let you all know that I have uploaded some more information to my website on it. Never have I been happier during the design, building, and production process of a speaker. It has taken some time to get everything in the sound to "click" into place to my personal likings, but when you set your sights high, those "clicks" sound darned good...

BTW, though it is loosely based around the Feastrex recommended 60 liter enclosure, (though the port dimensions and height, driver height, and internal volume are all different), it has evolved to the point now that it must be a commercial design, and besides that, you probably WANT me to be making them for you, as it is an incredibly complicated build (albiet a simple looking result), cut entirely by CNC to attain the various panel interactions (and cancellations) that I am going for. Of course, I will continue to offer advice for diyers of any sort regarding the Feastrex drivers and enclosures for them in general.

Lemme know what you all think of her...




  • annabelle.jpg
    96.8 KB · Views: 962
I visited the pertinent web page at your website, Clark. Very nice. Just two quibbles from the grammar police -- in your second-to-last paragraph you have parentheses within parentheses, but only one closing parenthesis. You might want to replace the second opening parenthesis with a dash.

Also, the window itself is still labeled "Annabelle NF" instead of "Oniyanma."

And allow me to compliment you on your taxidermist. I'd swear that dog is alive.


-- Chris
Those are some very beautiful speakers, Clark. Congratulations on your achievement after all your hard efforts. I heard that they sound every bit as beautiful as they look, too.

I also think you have a great-looking website. I wish you great success in selling these speakers, which I'm sure will make their lucky owners very happy.

cdwitmer said:
I visited the pertinent web page at your website, Clark. Very nice. Just two quibbles from the grammar police -- in your second-to-last paragraph you have parentheses within parentheses, but only one closing parenthesis. You might want to replace the second opening parenthesis with a dash.

Also, the window itself is still labeled "Annabelle NF" instead of "Oniyanma."

And allow me to compliment you on your taxidermist. I'd swear that dog is alive.


-- Chris

Ha! Leave it to a professional writer...

Yeah, she is still kicking - sometimes.

Scottmoose said:
Bless. My whippet is only a year younger. Still thinks she's a puppy though, when she wakes up. :)

I see you've a Cobra on your site now... out of curiosity, is that related to the Nagaoka Cobra, but somewhat modified, with a single unit (looks like a 103)? I probably shouldn't ask on-line though. My apologies.

Yes, when Annabelle wakes, it is a joyous event.

Yes, the cobra is indeed related to the Nagaoka cobra. I played around with the original a good bit and then evolved my version from the original spiral horn base with thin neck concept. Of course, being made in baltic birch, the visual resemblance is striking. However, the differences that are the most significant are all on the inside. It is larger, longer, different expansion equations used and backmounted driver, and with a mirror imaged (for either side) rear horn exit (actually configurable either way for different types of rooms). The Nagaoka principle of the spiral horn with this driver is pretty nice. It is a surprisingly well balanced sound, not an ounce of shout unless deliberately induced through improper room placement. It would shock alot of the folks who poopoo the FE103e as "too small" of a full range...

I get away building them without a scrap of damping too...with one tradeoff:

It has some, but not all of the tweakiness of the Swan type. lower mid "honk" if incorrect room placement (too close to a rear wall). With correct room placement, the speed of the small driver yields a nice body and effortless dynamic ability to the lower mids found only in larger speakers. with the top box being as small as it is (and mine is smaller in profile and volume than the original), it is a nearly ideal point source, making the sound huge and non fatiguing in important ways.

I decided not to adapt the FE108 swan because it seems that everyone and their mother has tried them out. The cobra (both the original and my version) is simpler and different in both concept and application. Highly recommended for the "tweaker" types.


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