Erm... I think I'm ready for a Cardigan

After paying the $462 electric bill I shut all of the heater vents in the basement where I work. The temp in here has dropped to 59F (15C) and I might get a shirt on my next trip upstairs. It's now 25F (-4C) outside and the concrete walls down here feel cold.
Just crank up the juice on some of those sweep tubes you test the limits on, and you'll be warm in the basement 😁
Indoor winter warmth for me is a poly fleece zip up vest over a long sleeve T or mock turtleneck. Or, a light fleece long-sleeve quarter zip over a short sleeved shirt. The vest has hand warmer pockets, which are nice. Thermostat sits at 67F/19C during the day. Outdoors I wear a down-filled puffer vest, but it's too noisy for indoor wear.

My father wore cardigans. I'm not old like him, am I?
we had to replace the boiler in our ohio house this week as it was near to failing. the inside temp got down to 52F which is like camping weather in the fall, but mamselle did not appreciate it at all. we are fortunate to have a bunch of space heaters. bourbon does not warm you up.

the drive to NJ this afternoon temps hit 14F in the general vicinity of Hazleton

here is the famous Perry Como in a cardigan:

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bourbon does not warm you up.
Back in the days I used to fish for Atlantic Salmon during February - often when there was a lot of ice on the quieter water.
The gillie in charge was a. very heavy drinker and during warmer weather would soon polish off a bottle of Scotch almost all for himself.
However when the weather was really cold he would not touch a drop and advised strongly that we too refrained. He claimed that
strong drink in such conditions was the fastest route to hypothermia.
here is the famous Perry Como in a cardigan: Perry is wearing the cardigan whilst holding a golf club makes it pretty certain that the cardigan is made from Cashmere wool...
the most luxurious wool ever grown on any animal and also has the best insulation properties in a natural product.
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