Epsylon 12 protection board but with solid state relays instead.

After commenting on xrk971's post it gave me the idea to make this, don't know if it will work but it should. I had the original E12 for a while but gave it away since it was not needed. Well, now i started to make my own boards and don't trust myself to not make mistakes. LM334 instead of a simple resistor because who doesn't love overcomplicating things. Couldn't fit an inverter without changing the layout so the "status" led works in reverse. Boards should be here in january, as for the relays, unknown. The photorelay i chose was the SUPSiC GAQV252G3E, it had the lowest resistance on LCSC. Sadly there is no On Resistance graph but even the max 50mΩ is same as a normal relay.
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