End resistors Cyrus 8v2 mod

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I have a Cyrus 8v2 amp with psx-r powersuply and i modificated a lot in my systhem, loudspeaker filters, cable, a own loudspeaker design and so on.
I used high grade Caddock MV resistors for my tweeters and i thought to also use these resistors in my cyrus 8v2 amp.
In my cyrus are now those white block twin end resistors connected to the outputs of the amping transistors.
Does anyone has experience with this, what is the quality of those standard cyrus resistors.
I think The Caddock MV series must be a lot better.
I push my sound quality to the limit of this amp and i hope replacing these resistors will result in the best quality i can get from it.
Can anyone say how many ohms these resistors are, it saves some unscrewing for me,
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