Enclosure for EARTHQUAKE BALLS 15

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Hi there,

I am looking for enclosure designs for the earthquake balls 15 ,Prefably a sealed but would go with any which has a good design. any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

And also is two subs better than one or will it be too much bass?

I had looked at their web site but they have all ported design enclosures.


Tony :smash:
I was looking for a program online that gave suggestions for different box designs for almost every driver. its a program called WinISD. the url is this but i was told by someone that that program isnt exactly accurate with dual drivers but what you CAN do is just build two boxes with the recomended size of one. like two separate boxes. anyway im not sure. but its still a good program i think. and as far as whats too much bass thats up to you? It also matters with how much power your sending your subs. but 15's hit hard. my roomate has two Massive 15 in subs and they hit EXTREMELY hard. so you dont have to worry about that. one last thing. if you decide to d/l that program and you go to that site, just click on WinISD under "downloads"
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