EnABLed speaker baffle

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It is of no consequence as to what Bud's son actually thought. Bud's son was the catalyst that inspired Bud to develop enABL. The difference between Tuxedocivic and Bud is that one chose to dismiss his son's impression, and the other opted to try to understand why the child thought what he did.

Bud may not have scientifically proved what the child heard, but has been able to repeat the phenomena to such a degree that any number of adults sense that there are no speakers.

Very much like an apple falling was the inspiration for Newton.
No, you are right, I'm on my third glass of wine but it still only gets us up to 2m/s.

You need to calculate slew rate to get the peak velocity, which is 2 * Pi * f * Vpk = 6283mm/s or 6.3 meters per second or roughly 22kph.

obviously the air is not flowing moving at 22kph, but there are rairifications and compressions instead of mass air movement.

Splash in a pond, and there are ripples, but the water does not flow with them.
Imagine it is 1972, in LA and you walk into Henry Radio at Walt Jr's phoned insistence and he shows you a pair of Ohm F Demo's he has conned Marty into sending him. He lifts the cover off of one unit and your eyes fasten on the odd looking slits in the paper, at the bottom of the long inverted cone and you think to your self "well, that's wrong". You foolishly mention this to Walt and he says "can you do any better?"

And so you purchase a pair for $600 and proceed to apply these pattern blocks that arose in your minds eye, immediately after you had the thought about how wrong what they had done was (this being a normal event for a graduate of the Art Institute of Chicago). A month later you have a pair of Ohm F's that emit a spherical wave front, rather than a frequency stepped, cylindrical one and you could tell this only because the sound does not change no matter your position around the speaker. You fiddle about with other direct radiator drivers and find some fairly dramatic improvements in quality (remember, this is still the 70's and most speakers were not very well designed in comparison to what is available today). You look for test equipment that might show you something and find nothing you can possibly access or afford.

5 years later your 7 year old son rips the input plug from the heavily uprated SAE, Germanium transistor Mark 3A amplifier. The wire wound resistor network protecting the transistors evaporates, as do the transistors and the filter capacitor emits heavy smoke. The Ohm F crumples and you and your son are deaf for a few hours, while he cries in a wild and crazed fashion. Eventually mom calms him and asks what that was all about. Son says" I wanted to let the music people out!!!!" and begins crying again. Eventually you learn he thinks he has killed them all by imploding them in an "inplosion".

Upon reflection over this period of time, you realize that your own childhood had a number of instructive pursuits that likely as not provided fodder for this madness. And, you go on a hunt for the obvious explanation for why the spots of paint have made a big enough difference that someone so young and innocent of malice could have become convinced there were live people inside of the speaker cone. Surely there must be an explanation available....

The only mention of anything that even remotely seems to bear upon this effect, upon a non pistonic driver (do read Lincoln Walsh's papers), might be a single chapter from Baranek's "Acoustics", where he admits that the piston models that the rest of the book is devoted to, don't really explain what he shows in graphic format within that chapter. And so you begin to think about the problem....

There, you have it.
Cute, schmaltz v/s science.
Hi all.
Interesting thread. I have not read it all so others may have already contributed this particular "gem" but I just wanted to pick up on some of the skepticism expressed by doubtingthomas and others. I was Googling a quote from Niels Bohr to verify its accuracy for inclusion in the weekly Church Bulletin (as you do) and came across a page of his wonderful observations about the physical world. I thought the following was particularly apt.

Apparently Bohr visited a friend and as he entered his house he saw that there was a lucky horseshoe nailed above the entrance. He asked; "Do you really believe in this?" to which his friend replied; "Oh, I don't believe it. But I am told it works even if you don't believe it!"
And as J B S Haldane observed; "My own observation is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose but queerer than we can suppose."

I have an open mind and a pair of FE107's which I will experiment with.
Thanks for all the contributions.
Hi doubtingthomas. That's the spirit! Go for it......

(Btw I am all for skepticism. With a background in Mech Engineering, a wife who's been a research scientist and three of our five offspring in the scientific world I couldn't be anything else but skeptical, but there is another side to things. Its just that in my trade, Anglican priest, I also believe in miracles or as the world of hard science calls them "counter intuitive events". So life can still surprise.......which is fun.)

What part of the UK are you in? I came from Bristol originally.
Greetings for Oz.
Cheers, Jonathan
Hi Jonathon
London originally, now Essex. I refuse to believe anything without evidence, this acts as a filter, the world is full of charlatans, quacks and fraudsters so one needs to be cautious. I have never witnessed a miracle and know no one who has.
I would never dispute that we know an infinitely small proportion of what there is to know but I'm suspicious of any one who claims to have the answers, show some evidence.
I have an open mind and a pair of FE107's which I will experiment with.

Do please get some help with your experiment, from someone who actually knows how to solve for what the patterns provide. planet10 is a good source and you might even bring your experiment to this thread,

EnABL - Listening impressions & techniques - diyAudio Listening impressions

where you will obtain a practical solution.

If you are just intent upon experimentation then you might review soongsc's experiment here.

http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/multi-way/100399-enabl-processes-26.html#post1227789 multiple rings phase vs frequency response

http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/multi-way/100399-enabl-processes-28.html#post1231568 dispersal of "break up modes" and resonance nodes

And since you like stretching your mind with your children, you might ask them about the significance of these, be sure to turn up the sound.

resonance - YouTube
resonance2 - YouTube
resonance4 - YouTube
resonance3 - YouTube

Yes, DT re: your #130. Fair comment. I agree (except about meeting people who have witnessed a miracle. But we won't go there.). Btw where I trained (theological college in Melbourne and 30 odd years ago now) the lecturers were predominantly of a hard science background (my theology lecturer was a statistician, the Principal a geologist etc) and all very hard nosed about truth. Hardly a fuzzy, postmodern, liberal arts degree in sight......which suited me very well.
But back on topic. I guess I am in the Linsley Hood camp on these contentious issues in audio. He brought excellent formal training and years of experience to his amp designs but also had a subjective appreciation and a desire to explain what was heard by both himself and his CAT (called Fingal as I recall).
Cheers, but must get back to work slaving over a sermon!

Hi Bud.
Thanks for the links. No probs. Nothing at all adventurous going on here! I will just following the standard approach and see what pops us. That's all I meant by "experiment". Re; Kids. Tell me about it! Talk about stretching minds. Our eldest girl has done a couple of stints at Cern and our son takes me out of my comfort zone after about 25 seconds of the genetics of fish.

takes me out of my comfort zone after about 25 seconds of the genetics of fish

Yes, the biochemists cannot seem to speak in words under 12 characters. My son is off at the Pacific National Labs doing proteomics and hot rodding mass specs. If yours is involved in mass spec analysis and is obtaining data from PNNL, then he likely knows my son, the worlds gateway to the lab and it's denizens. Isn't it nice to have them rush past where you thought the world ended?

Hmmm...i think it works. This is purely an experiment on my part so I used no formulas...the "dashes" are from 1/16" thick self stick damping sheet. Spacing is similar to the op.

What I hear is more "distinct" sounds from the instruments and voices...but perhaps a loss in smoothness overall. This may be a result of the material thickness...not certain.

Fire Away!


  • baffle EnAble test 001.JPG
    baffle EnAble test 001.JPG
    80.9 KB · Views: 200
G'day scaleautoart,

Nothing wrong with the materials choice, but the pattern size, spacing and location are not right. The pattern is critical.
You might like to download the calculator in my signature. Happy to help with advice.




I figured it was a shot in the dark. I will try the calculator for my next effort.

Would using a circular pattern around the driver [on the baffle] work. I have some of the Planet10 templates.
A circular pattern needs to be placed rather precisely. I would suggest continuing with your current experiment until you have exhausted the possibilities. Those to include correct size, placement and row spacing. Placement on the outer periphery of the front plate. Placement as directed by Alex on the other 5 sides of the box and use of a thinner material, just to experiment with levels of subtle change available. Again, using a peel a stick adhesive is best and I have found clear acrylic kitchen cabinet shelf protective film, of 0.003" thickness to be adequate and virtually invisible.

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