Electrical Engineers!... i need information..help old Dx, please!

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Very clear explanation, thank you Andrew

I have decided to dismount and rewind...because of my power limit... this way, despite hard work, i will make things more simple.

Thank you all....no more needed informs folks...i will make a new transformer using this big one iron.... and about the operation to dismount and refurbish i have enougth know how.


I hope the E & I are alternately reversed,
to allow the flux to jump across to the adjacent path and avoid going through the air gap.

What effect does the oxide insulation have on the eddy current performance?

How tolerant of oxide surface damage are these transformers?

Do they run hot if the insulation is insufficient?
yes - as Andrew told allready - you have to be very carefull when trying to use those old transformers - especially if they are intended to use in those applications as you have them....
you have to watch that those layers are not electrically connected together (not to have currents flowing between the EI layers), also you have to put them as EI and the next layer goes IE and the next EI and do like that until you have the whoel core assembled...
be carefull and check everything you possibly can - not to make all the work and than realize that you can't use the core because it has to big gap or something.......:)
Shotgun is beautifull 240...... i love my baby double barreled.

Transformer pictures.


transformer will be dismounted...and than reconstructed to work as a standard one...i will have those double output voltages we were talking about.




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Another image.... very cheap this method to obtain audio supplies

because that "belief" people has related insulators and stabilizers...that "need" people has in my country, we have those transformers beeing sold from 13 to 35 dollares, depending the sized...this is excelent!

We can rewind.... re construct the coil, using the same wire, with tapes in many voltages..hehe...fine!




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No Tryonziess, my house, more specifically appartment, is 20 years old

All pipes are made of plastic.... PVC plastic is the name, used here since the sixties.... you produce an idea in USA and we fast copy the idea here..we love USA, it is our reference.

I am not really bothering about ground anymore, i have detected the live wire, called here phase, and off course the other is neutral...then i detected into the computer plug and wires.... the wires runned into the outlet and are fixed internally.

No chance to invert them.

After that, because our use here...everybody used the AC stabilizer, an auto transformer to correct plus and less 10 percent mains voltage variations.... from this unit, to the computer, all plugs are three pins, no chance of inverting anymore.

To invert i have to broke the ground plug, and i will not do that...for sure.

This appartment is my property, was rented and the last one that lived here spent 4 years using his computer without any troubles... and i am afraid he had not the knowledge...so...those computers are more protected related those things than he imagine... an more protected than my imagination too.

The switching power supply rectified and filter...so....phase is not more a problem when you have a switching DC....the circuit will control the reference, the ground, by itself.

I am anymore worried about that...already give up related those things..the idea, since the beginning, was to use the insulating tranformer to my audio amplifiers, and now i have decided to dismount the transformer and re constructed into my way.

It is very easy..you count the secondaries turns.... they are for 115 volts...so dividing the turns by the voltage you will have how many turns per volt...so....have just to re construct using two wires in parallel to produce the center tape of the three wire winding.


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