Einstein's simultaneity theory is impossible

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Here's some more dangerous dissident questioning.

Einstein claims events may be simultaneous in one frame of reference relative to one observer and not simultaneous to another observer. This is supposed to follow from the belief that the speed of light is always constant.

Read about The train-and-platform thought experiment here: Relativity of simultaneity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now add to this two stop watches, one at each end of the train car, ie. front and back. Have electronic circuits arranged to stop each stop watch when it senses a photon hitting the wall of the train car (ie. using a photocell). Start each stop watch while the train car is at rest relative to the observer on the outside of the train car, start the train car and do the experiment as described. After the experiment, stop the train car and bring the two observers and the two stop watches together. If the observers saw the photons hitting the front and back of the train car at different times during the experiment (when the train car was in motion relative to the outside observer), then they should both see different times on the stop watches, after the experiment even while both observers and both stop watches are in the same frame of reference. Yes, according to Einstein, two people can see different readings on the same clock and yet at the same time Einstein says this is impossible. Remember in the twin paradox the dodge used by the Einsteinian mystics to get assymetric time dilation. The twin that is accelerated is supposed to be the twin that undergoes time dilation.

You can use stopwatches to show events are always simultaneous to all observers anywhere showing that an instant in time is the same instant in time everywhere. This also shows that the speed of light is NOT constant.

Arguing Enstien is wrong because you know its impossible is utterly inane.
All you are proving is you have no real idea what you are talking about.

If he was wrong somebody would have said so years ago, and they
did regarding quantum physics, but there is no denying his brilliance.

There is no ioata of any evidence that the speed of light is not constant.
You cannot show it is not without being stupid. Its the fundamental tenet
of relativity, as opposed To Newtionian mechanics, its the whole point.

rgds, sreten.
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Here's some more dangerous dissident questioning.

Read about The train-and-platform thought experiment here: Relativity of simultaneity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I suggest stop reading Wikipedia for a moment and take a look at this book:

Amazon.com: The Classical Theory of Fields, Fourth Edition: Volume 2 (Course of Theoretical Physics Series) (9780750627689): L D Landau, E.M. Lifshitz: Books

We can continue discussion when you say you understand significant part of what is written there 🙂
Usually it takes 6 months to year to get through it (If I remember correctly it took us a semester to get through the basics).
Wrong. The evidence of a hundred years of experiments.

Newtonian experiments have more of years of evidence. Experiments with flat Earth even more. So what? The only force that resists all new discoveries, is force of beliefs. The first stage is Subconscious Incompetence: nobody knows about possibility of new approach. The second stage is, conscious incompetence: people know that old approach does not work in some situations, but don't know why. The third stage is conscious competence: new approach is known, but need to be constantly proved. The last phase is subconscious competence: people use new approach as if it existed always.
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Check out the temper tantrum thrown here: http://www.suppressedscience.net/physics.html
scroll down to Special Relativity Theory: Beyond Criticism

One of the most recent [suppression stories] comes from a new NPA member who, when doing graduate work in physics around 1960, heard the following story from his advisor: While working for his Ph.D. in physics at the University of California in Berkeley in the late 1920s, this advisor had learned that all physics departments in the U.C. system were being purged of all critics of Einsteinian relativity. Those who refused to change their minds were ordered to resign, and those who would not were fired, on slanderous charges of anti-Semitism. The main cited motivation for this unspeakably unethical procedure was to present a united front before grant-giving agencies, the better to obtain maximal funds. This story does not surprise me. There has been a particularly vicious attitude towards critics of Einsteinian relativity at U.C. Berkeley ever since. I ran into it in 1985, when I read a paper arguing for absolute simultaneity at that year's International Congress on the History of Science. After I finished, the Danish chairman made some courteous remarks about dissidents he had learned about in Scandinavia, and then turned to the audience for questions. The first speaker was one of a group of about 4 young physics students in the back. He launched immediately into a horrible tirade of verbal abuse, accusing me of being entirely wrong in my analysis, a simplification of the Melbourne Evans analysis-'Evans is wrong; you are wrong,' he shouted. He accused me of being way out of line to present my 'faulty' arguments on his prestigious campus. When I started to ask him 'Then how would you explain...', he loudly interrupted me with 'I don't have to explain anything.' The rest of the audience felt so disturbed by all this, that the question session was essentially destroyed."
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