effects loop insert for mixer

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I have a behringer xenxy 502 3 channel mixer that I use to mix 2 keyboards and guitar inputs at a small music workstation in my house. I am trying to have a compact space for making music and this is not a professional set up.

I have various guitar effect pedals that I want to use with the 2 keyboards and guitar. The mixer does not have any effect loop inserts. So, currently I use a mono cable from a given instrument plugged into one or more effects then another cable to the mixer input. Sometimes, I want to switch a given effect box over to a different instrument, and it is cumbersome to unplug everything and replug. I will probably only be using 3 -4 external effect devices (phaser, echo, wah, and maybe 2 more future purchases). Also the effects loop will be mono because the guitar effects are mono.

I hope to find or build a simple device that can make my cabling more easy to work with. So my goal is to make it easier to route an instrument signal through an effect without having to unplug a lot of stuff. Also to try and make my cabling more tidy and have fewer long runs of cable. And, make all of this into a fairly compact space, perhaps half of a rack width.

I've considered a patchbay, which is probably the most flexible solution, but commercially available patchbays seem much more than what I need and may take up too much space. I only have 3 instrument sources and just a few effects. Any suggestions on how I might a make simple compact patch bay?

I've considered a typical guitar effects bypass loop 3 pole double throw switch approach, and make 3 of these, one for each instrument. With this approach I can bypass the effects loop with a switch and possibly minimize noise. I have found a lot of information about how to build this type of device.

I've considered an effects loop insert approach which is similar to the bypass loop switch but does not actually have a switch, and instead the audio only passes to the loop if a stereo cable is plugged into it, like on a typical mixer insert. I do not know how to wire audio signals to a 1/4 female stereo plug so that if there is a male stereo jack connection then the signal goes out to the loop, and if no male stereo jack connectionpass through and out to the mixer. Perhaps this is essentially the same as the patchbay?

I looked at the ART TPatch which seems to be a compact patch bay for desktop audio situation.

Any thoughts on what I should consider?
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