Eclipse TD712z

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Has anyone heared these?

They are single driver units and supposedly FR with amazing imaging. The cabinet is a complex casting with various parts including a clemping system for the driver with a weight that is larger than the driver/magnet assembly to damp all unwanted resonence. The dtiver is 12cm.

How good are they? They retail for £3000!

Could the design ideas be used to get the very best from a single FR driver in a diy cab?

😀 Boom:bigeyes:

Here is the unit opened up.


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notice the large weight directly behind the driver.

It extends into the pole peice vent. It is tapered at the back, not only to fit the casing but to break up any remaining standing waves that the rear shell did not already kill. So the driver essentially never gets a wave refletion hitting it

The frame with the legs bolts to the front section of the cabinet and secures the DRIVER directly to the stand!
spec sheet says

I hae no idea if the box if vented or not. All I know is that they have made a lot of effort in minimising vibrations, damping the driver and making the hole shebang as dead as possible.

If problems like internal reflections, vibration etc are minimised as much as possible I guess the driver can give its best.

Also having such a small (read no) front cabinet area the driver must be extreemly directional.

40 Hz is pretty low, especially for a 12cm driver in such a small (assumed) sealed enclosure.

Would taking ideas to get the driver as stable as possible make a major difference?

Also these guys follow 'time domain theory'😕 😕

I dont get it:bawling:
I was going to try to implement some of the ideas in a smaller and cheaper speaker and then try it with something bigger.

Do you have any other ideas for drivers?

I was thinking about a translam cabinet to make the shaping easier using glass fibre on the inside and outside to make it stiffer. I will try to get a friend who has a lathe to turn a hunk of something he has laying around for the rear weight/phase thingy!

How does that sound? :smash:
It actually is a ported one!😱 But I kind of doubt the dispersion of sound is like that at all frequencies. The pulse looks pretty good.

I guess a small one using the same concept could be built using the W3-871S, it probably would be a much smaller egg. The low end could probably get to lower than 80Hz.

How on earth do you model an egg shaped enclosure with extra bits stuffed inside?

What other drivers could be used? I dont know of many FR drivers but how would a the larger Jordan do?

I am a great fan of FR. I have the big cheats version though in the form of a pair of 10inch Tannoy Dual Concentric AND a pair of Tannoy 15inch Dual Concentrics!

They are just a little bit BIG and lack WAF althoug she loves the sound.
The JX92S would to great. Although I have not used mine yet, experience with the JX53 and the JX125 were very good. I would think the JX92S would work very good as well. I have done some testing with the drivers themselves, but have not boxed them.
Re: mmmm

JRKO said:
How on earth do you model an egg shaped enclosure with extra bits stuffed inside?

What other drivers could be used? I dont know of many FR drivers but how would a the larger Jordan do?


Thor, over on the Fullrange driver site, has been using exactly this shape of enclosure with the JX92S. He uses a ceramic pot from a garden store - he lines the inside and makes a wooden end cap to hold the driver, resulting in an 8 litre enclosure which rolls off at 100Hz to a sub. He says the enclosure is inert and the whole system images very well.

JC, on the same forum, has gone a similar route - but he has the advantage that he is a potter, so he made his own enclosure.

I am investigating a similar system myself, either using a local potter to produce something or keeping my eyes on the garden centres.

If you want to try something smaller, sometime in Sept/October, Jordan should have their new JX6 (JX53 replacement) driver available which will operate to 150Hz in a 1 litre sealed enclosure. No pricing details yet, as far as I know.

Hope this helps.

Pot......mmmmmmm (plant pot!)

I see where he is comming from in getting the shape etc

It may image well but it must be one hell of an ugly speaker. What an image😀

It is a good idea though. I was wondering about shaping a wooden block on a lathe and then plastering it with alternating layers of 'stuff'. varying the layers in thickness and material to include (metal fillings perhaps?) fibre glass, maybe inlaid random strips of off cut metals etc to give a random but very dead/dense walls....... :smash: or is that overkill?
Re: Re: mmmm

Colin said:

If you want to try something smaller, sometime in Sept/October, Jordan should have their new JX6 (JX53 replacement) driver available which will operate to 150Hz in a 1 litre sealed enclosure. No pricing details yet, as far as I know.

Hope this helps.


If it would go down to 100Hz, it would probably increase the performance difference beyond others for a real long time. Better than the 3" ones IMHO. Maybe a little more Xmax would get it there (If the coil gap is big enough, maybe the current Xmax would work).
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