Eagle users - help!

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I'm finding it a bit heavy going, I can now lay out my parts in a schematic sort of way, but that's about it so far.

Once I have the schematic, is it very hard to turn this innto a finished board? Can I force it to use prototype board?

Are there any good guides or tutorials around for it at all? I imagine it would save time once you are proficient with it...
sorry, it has a steep learning curve, and I haven't found any good tutorials, but I bet they exist. There is really an art to board layout, and I haven't found an easier way to do it then Eagle. I learned it through patient trial and error, and it has taken about a year for me too feel comfortable - but now I love it! If you google 'eagle layout tutorial', or 'eagle schematic tutorial', you get decent results. Just keep messing with it, and post questions as they come up. Plenty of people use it here.

The documentation for it is pretty minimal, but there are tons of tricks in the program - I think it is pretty user friendly once you know what you're doing.
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