Dx Blame MKII, an obvious evolution from the Dx Blame ES/ST

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This one will have bigger input impedance.... around 47K, more standard input impedance.

Sensitivity will be keept high.

The increase of the input impedance allow us to have smaller input capacitor, so, poliester unit of 105 will fit, and the -3dB will be 5 hertz...and flat from 10 hertz and up.

Brazilians are using turntables, and some of them have not humble filter, subsonic filters..so...will be easy to block some subsonic reducing the input capacitor to 330N or a little bit less.

The off set goes reduced to some microvolts, and the amplifier will be adjustment free...so...plug and play...the series resistance will be keept only to folks detect failures in their own construction.

The amplifier is under research, for a while at simulator only..of course will be assembled soon, and tuned while listening... and another intention is to increase a little bit the power, considering transformer's voltage drop, to keep, at least the standard power, and allowing the unit to work with 2.8 ohms loads, as asked by many folks interested in amplifier this way....more output transistors will be added and distortion will be keept below 0.002% THD...this is the main objective.

The amplifier will keep the same board, the same schematic, so, this way, the guys that have already assembled the Dx Blame ES or ST.... not only German group but also Brazilian group boards, will fit to this amplifier, people may run wires to the extra output pair (or pairs)...so...their pcboard will not be junk, as i gonna keep the schematic..the tweaking will be in values only.

I will release in December, 24.....or earlier, depending orders from Rudi Rozek..if he decide to do that fast, then i will do it fast...no more than a week is needed to me to assemble, and test a prototype.

Now a days we have:

Miguel Nabuco (Mitchel) - Dx Corporation Brazil - Brazilian business and layout reviser
Omar Oash (Metal) - Dx Corporation Jordan - German group layout designer
Rudi Rozek - Dx Corporation Germany - Leader and group buy manager
Alex mm - Dx Corporation Rumania - Layout support
Todd Johnson - licensed layout designer - Dx Corporation Canadá

And these ones will put the machine to run....of course i am included, for a while as Chairman (CEO) but we may change that soon... Rudi is strong candidate to substitute me, then i will be only technical adviser and main designer.

Our virtual Corporation works in perfect harmony..we work together in a very peacefull way.... there's no competition here...only cooperation...if one is better to do some job..then it will make the job.


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One of things asked was to reduce input capacitor

So, we gonna have small ones at the input... alike this one i am showing you, avoiding this way, to use the big ones shown in the other picture.




  • Small 105 capacitor.jpg
    Small 105 capacitor.jpg
    747.1 KB · Views: 792
  • Avoiding big ones at the input.jpg
    Avoiding big ones at the input.jpg
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Very interesting news Carlos 🙂

I would suggest that input impedance redesign should be done a.s.a.p. Soon a lot of diyers will start to populating pcb boards with boards from Rudi group buy and I think the idea of increasing input impedance and resizing the input cap came just in the right time. I found input cap selection very important and if it will get resized below 1uF, then it will make possible to install some very quality foil caps here as SoniCap, AuriCap, Jantzen, Mundorf...

Adding second pair of transistors is probably not so critical, because if we use same transformer voltages, output power will only marginally increase. I am sure most people would use classic one output pair option, but those with low impedance speaker loads or low effeciency speaker will probably be more happy with additional pair of transitors and higher power supply voltage.
I don't know...i have to assemble and test it first

I am preparing a Supercharger version to be released also in December, 24.

Same board folks.... almost the same amplifier...we gonna have three versions, to all kinds of taste...low distortion and great performance.

I am still working on that, and will be working till December...now tweaking the Supercharger version in the simulator...next week they both will be assembled.

The best point is that you will be able to assemble all versions using the same board..the red German board, the Brazilian board and a new one will be prepared too.


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