Dual Acoustic Elegance 15SBP-8A in sealed enclosure

I am planning on building a bass enclosure for using with various horn designs I am working on.

I have four AE SBP15-8A. 15", 8ohm, Apollo upgraded woofers at hand. When I model them in winisd for a dual woofer enclosure, I get 449,43lt volume having a Qtc of 0,703 and a Fsc of 35.93hz. This is very fitting for me. I will put Hypex FA501 on each enclosure so I can send 250w @ 4 ohm to each woofer. I plan on crossing to horns to lowest around 300hz and to highest around 600hz depending to the horn I am matching it with.

My questions are about the baffle width, shape and the enclosure edges. Should I make it as narrow as possible or should go for some gain from the baffle and make it wider. Shall I make the enclosure non symmetrical. Do I need chamfered edges? I would appreciate any input, thanks.
Ideally you'll match the horn, baffle polar responses, so need to factor in baffle width + end correction and its pi loading.

If the horn has a rounded over terminus, then best to factor this in with the polar response be it with sharp edges or rounded over baffle.

Thanks a lot for your reply.

However, this is to become like a utility bass enclosure for me to test various midrange horns so there is not one right answer. Some horns I will try have rounded terminus like the ATH and some does not have it. There is also about an octave worth of difference between their cutoffs.

The baffle diffraction loss can and will be compensated actively. I am just trying to get a bass enclosure with least amount of signature. That is the reason for the chosen QTC as well. I know the room has more to say about this bass sound signature but that is not the part of my problem as I am working in acoustics and have appropriate room treatments in the space I will make the tests for measuring and listening. If I need to test for low bass, that need to be outside.
Adjusting it in angles, and using different length 'wings' will be more beneficial the higher you run them.
Can easily be tested using simulations and verify with some sacrificial materials (like hinged cardboard wings, that are easy to cut down and shape) . Running them up to 600hz, depending on the width, shape of the U baffle and length of wings, the U shape will create a cavity resonance, which you would prefer to have out of the woofers used bandwidth.
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