drv134 layout

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I'd like to build a balanced output stage with drv134, and be able to run it in sigle-ended mode as well : however I had problems with it in s.e. mode, as if it oscillated...and cannot test it balanced as I don't have my amp ready yet.

can someone help me with the layout ?
Why don't you build a separated differential output from the single ended and use some kind of switch?
Or, you can use the DRV for differential output and, when you need single ended you connect the INA134 to convert to single ended.
Thanks for the reply.
Sadly as I'm not wired, I post this with a friend's PC, so please excuse me for the delay.

I simply shorted the negative output to the ground at the xlr plug
of the output cable ( coaxial ending with a cinch ). It attacked directly the end stage of a nad 3020.

The only measure instrument I have is a multimeter.

I think you are calling things the wrong way. Balanced or unbalanced, splitted supply and single-ended supply are related to different things in chips. The former has to do with the reference of the output, the second to the reference in the supply.

That's why I asked how you are single-ending your chip, because to use a single-ended supply you have to create a floating reference at the chip's input.

The correct way to unbalance a DRV134 is not shorting the cold pin to ground. Or if you do that you should use series resistors at the DRV's output pins, never connect the cold pin direct to the ground.

What annoys me is how I must connect the output GND...
on my 1st attempt this was connected on the OP AMP GND and the whole was deadly silent, but the sound was horrilby distorted and it made strange noises.
All returned to normal when I disconnected it, buzz alot no matter what I do with, but not when at max level.
thank you carlos.
What kind of values are suited in this application ?
300 or 600 Ohms ?

I'll send pictures and schematics when I' m done with other problems ( 1 or 2 days).

when I looked at the datasheet I didn't see that problem, and as I'm a beginner in electronics didn't realzed what was going on.
merle said:
thank you carlos.
What kind of values are suited in this application ?
300 or 600 Ohms ?

I'll send pictures and schematics when I' m done with other problems ( 1 or 2 days).

when I looked at the datasheet I didn't see that problem, and as I'm a beginner in electronics didn't realzed what was going on.

Any value in that order would be fine. Match the resistors though.

Such data is usually not in the datasheet because it's not expected to unbalance the output when you already have it as such at the input.

In fact I can't see why you simply don't pick your unbalanced output just before the DRV134?

In fact I'll use it balanced.
I' ll receive a digital EQ using this mode, and I'll upgrade my GC to X.
Until everything is ready I use it in s.e. mode.

many many thanks for your help.

I hope to be done with that at the end of the week, and send some pictures as my preamp casing is something "special"
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