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Driver Shelf Clearing

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Making room on my shelves.

For sale:

18 - Tang Band W3-871S full range New $15 each

2 - Tang Band W5-704S woofers Used (very good) $20 each

6 - CSS WR125ST wide range 16 ohm New $40 each

7 - Fostex FT207D soft dome tweeters New $35 each

2 - HiVi RT1.3 ribbon tweeters New $35 each

2 - Vifa D27SG 15-06 soft dome tweeters New $20 each

Email me at
Sold 4 of the WR125ST and 2 of the FT207D

Remaining is:

18 - Tang Band W3-871S full range New $15 each

2 - Tang Band W5-704S woofers Used (very good) $20 each

2 - CSS WR125ST wide range 16 ohm New $40 each

5 - Fostex FT207D soft dome tweeters New $35 each

2 - HiVi RT1.3 ribbon tweeters New $35 each

2 - Vifa D27SG 15-06 soft dome tweeters New $20 each
Just to be clear.
A lot of people tell me they're going to buy something but never seem to come up with the money. The first person to send money is the person that gets the sale.
Sorry to be cranky but it's happened once too often.
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