Douk Audio U2 PRO I2S - Disable 5V USB-Power


for all of you using a Douk Audio U2 PRO:
Here's a simple and fast modification to get rid of the +5V line from PC-USB when using (highly recommended) an external PSU.
I have found it on "sixmoons", so: >> "5 Minute Isolate CU Compatibility Test" picture
I use a very thin transparent scotch tape.
My Laptop still recognizes the U2 when I plug in the PSU.
May be other/newer PC will not but give it a try.

Kind regards
Yes, correct.
I discovered this later after posting.

I have had some issues with the USB connection.
U2 "randomly" connecting - disconnecting so I had to restart Musicbee, go to settings and had to change output device to U2 again.
I couldn't find the cause. Cleaned all USB sockets and plugs to no avail. Changed the cables.
But after having isolated the +USB everything was working fine.

In the end it was the sequence of switching on the power supplies.
Usually I did turn on the Laptop and opened Musicbee.
Than I switched on my DCX2496 and finally the AV-receiver > U2 connected to it's power outlet.
This way the U2 firstly was powered by USB. Then the relay kicked in and swapped the power source to external.
For whatever reason Windows then changed audio out to generic internal (Realtek) and Musicbee stopped working.
But turning on the AV-Receiver first did solve the problem too.

May be (probably) this order causes a very short interruption in +5V.
May be an electrolytic capacitor in parallel to USB+- will prevent this from happening.

Either way: Isolating the +USB looks to me to be a good idea.
That's why I decided to not delete or comment my initial post.