Donations & Custom Titles....Alert for anyone who has donated to the cause

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" ... We prefer paypal. If you click the "Make a Donation" Button it will will direct you to our paypal account. Other methods can be arranged. If you cannot use paypal but still wish to make a donation, please email me. ..."

Say, I see how this works now ... you get control of the email accounts and become the receipient of all that moola, then when the account gets big enough you pay off your bar bills and spin the wheel again ...

No problem-o, count me in for another half "c" note ... ;) ... The check's in your email ... har, har, hardi har.

All kidding aside, keep up the great work ...

Oops , I forgot to push the donation button and sent the cash directly by paypal ... hope it doesn't get lost ... he, he, he ...
Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi thomaseliot,
Thank you very much.

We moderators don't see the donations because they are used 100% to maintain this site.

So to all who do send a donation, this is rolled back into things we can bring to service you. We just went to new hardware and other things that need to be paid off - so these donations go to you.

-Chris ;)
Joined 2004
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Well, really ...... All of you make DiyAudio what it is.

When a member makes a donation to the site, I feel like our work is worth while. So from the moderating team, we thank each and every one who helps out. Many small donations will keep the lights on. :nod:

FastEddy said:
" ... We prefer paypal. If you click the "Make a Donation" Button it will will direct you to our paypal account. Other methods can be arranged. If you cannot use paypal but still wish to make a donation, please email me. ..."

Say, I see how this works now ... you get control of the email accounts and become the receipient of all that moola, then when the account gets big enough you pay off your bar bills and spin the wheel again ...

No problem-o, count me in for another half "c" note ... ;) ... The check's in your email ... har, har, hardi har.

All kidding aside, keep up the great work ...

Oops , I forgot to push the donation button and sent the cash directly by paypal ... hope it doesn't get lost ... he, he, he ...

I've remained silent on this issue for perhaps too long now. Just so everyone knows, and some fears can be put to rest... This is where we really currently stand.

With the new hardware that we have recently moved to, along with the new software that is being rolled out (in part already with the majority still to come later this year), and our ever growing traffic (slated to exceed 1TB / month sometime around Christmas) and development costs, we are currently about USD10k in the hole. I plan to run a beg-a-thon soon to try and recoup much of that but in the mean time, and for the forseeable future, donations that are made, are directly funding our efforts to keep this site the best D.I.Y. Audio forum on the net. Honestly, we are not even happy with that, we are always looking for ways to improve the site and how you interact with it and each other...... Bottom line is that none of that is free and none of the people who run this site have bottomless pockets so we do very much rely on the good will and generousity of all those that are willing and able to contribute in some way (big or small). Remember that ultimately this site belongs to the members and as such it will only ever be as good as all of you are willing to make it with the content and friendships you share with each other.
Joined 2004
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Hey AudioFreak,
You're not going to run a channel 17 thing on us are you??? :clown:

[channel 17 in this area is a US public broadcasting station famous for their begatons. They interrupt shows constantly when running their "campaigns" asking for donations with a number of people on phones in the background]

Just kidding, but can you imagine every second page is a full page ad for money? Talk about nag ads!!!

Just relax, I was only kidding! :clown: :clown: :clown:

Joined 2000
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To chime in... donations are very much appreciated. As Dan says, we're currently quite in the red. Our new monthly server costs now far exceed the income from banner sponsorship, and with our imminent move to a new software platform we've got a bunch of other purchases to make. So donations are really very necessary at the moment and without them we wouldn't be here. That's a fact. When we get to our new platform (hopefully within the month) things will be easier on a number of fronts and we will endeavor to find new ways to get non-invasive sponsorship while retaining the non-commercial feel.

Thank you to everyone who has made donations in the past.
" ... Our new monthly server costs now far exceed the income from banner sponsorship ..."

Since this is not, I won't offer our methodology as an alternate to these expenses (12 catalog sites spewing several terabytes / month, 30K customers over a decade, annual hosting/server costs < $2K ... on the main east/west backbone).

Not to worry, I will encourage "the boss" to see about some banner ad purchases ... just as soon as I can find the instructional pages here ... :confused:

( = no link to info page ?)
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Specifically because of the hardware and software transitions, things are a mite disorganized regarding advertising, requesting and making donations, and in the Marketplace area.

Given the choice between organizing commercial issues or doing what most helps our members, we have always gone with the members as best we can.

The new software will address these issues significantly, but we hate to put in time fixing the old software when it is to be abandoned soon.

The hardware transition is pretty much completed, along with a new service provider, thanks to Audiofreak and Jason. I agree, the response is a LOT snappier and there are few downtime incidents anymore. Some of those old hardrives were pretty flaky apparently.

The new software is apparently easier to work with by far, but it still requires a lot of modification to incorporate all the ideas and improvements that we mods and you members have suggested. Audiofreak is putting in as much time as he can, but it is a big job.
Joined 2000
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FastEddy: The graphic says to email the webmaster, it's not actually clickable. Ok that doesn't gel with a "don't make me think" approach to user interface design but neither does, for example, our "about us" page :) We'll have a proper landing page for potential advertisers soon. Our ongoing costs aren't that much, the problem is a lack of advertisers and/or modern ad syndication technology. Soon to be addressed.
" ... that doesn't gel with a "don't make me think" approach to user interface design but neither does, for example, our "about us" page ..."

Sss' OK, labors of love don't have to be "user friendly". So exactly where is the "about page" anyway? Oops, there it is ... ;)

(We never bothered making any either, figuring that most folks with that much time on their hands would find something better to read elsewhere ...)
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