Dome tweeter research

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Please go all the way! Build the uber version!

I am very curious about the technologies you are using to get these wonder spec's. I am sure there will be an great interest in this tweeter. Don't take the djinn to serious, what else would you wish from a tweeter: linear, high efficiency, fast...

What was the qeustion again?
1000W for how many seconds?

The T/S params given yield a 5% efficiency, so almost all energy input into the driver turns into heat. According to my rusty specific heat, joule knowledge, 1000Watts in a second will vaporize a 0.0558g copper coil, unless the heat is wicked away from it, may be with a water cooler:). That's a lot of heat to be wicked away. For a RMS 1000W continous power handling, with the 5% efficiency, it could be used as a 1KW room heater, but with a heating coil of 0.0558 grams???
Re: 1000W for how many seconds?

Feyz said:
The T/S params given yield a 5% efficiency, so almost all energy input into the driver turns into heat. According to my rusty specific heat, joule knowledge, 1000Watts in a second will vaporize a 0.0558g copper coil, unless the heat is wicked away from it, may be with a water cooler:). That's a lot of heat to be wicked away. For a RMS 1000W continous power handling, with the 5% efficiency, it could be used as a 1KW room heater, but with a heating coil of 0.0558 grams???

what's so great about this, is that it foils your mind to try and understand it, so the idea will be impossible for someone to think of on their own not even by tearing it apart and looking at it could you find out the secret behind it

no it's around 800w-1000w continous

beyond just the normal former "wicking" away this heat other things are used... things I can't go into

you need to remember that you can't just jump to the conclusion you just did... that the weight of the copper dictates heat as the wire is a gauge and this needs to be accounted for... also you need to understand that the heat is not produced via the total efficency but by the wire's thermal properties... otherwise those 75db/w speakers would burn up with <1w...

shhhhh maybe one day I will reveal the secret

for now we're doing the 200W version anyway... however anyone can special order the 1000W version

I dunno how long we'll let the DIY community buy it... hopefully forever... but prices need to go up once speaker companies start using it... otherwise if audiophiles aren't told it's expensive... will they buy it?


alright well now that I know the end to work towards... I'll go ahead and get a working prototype made... specific prices and customizability options will follow... likely though the actual speaker will only be available to buy for less than Thiel prices for a month or two... then we'll see if I'm forced to pull it from DIY in the interest of companies

BAM said:
P=(I^2)(R) no matter what day of the week it is, no matter what year it is. That heat is going somewhere.

yup... it sure does.... it's just not as simple as he stated...

but a lot of that can be shown to be self cooling as it's a moving coil and it does have a former

not to mention the point is moot if you understood all the aspects of the design...
I didn't check to see the date when this thread was started. Must have been April 1. I guess Audiophilenoob is using the same wattspeak as computer speaker manufacturers do. I am looking at my 120 watt amplified computer speakers on the shelf above my computer, and the 3 watt wall wart that powers them. I have become convinced that when the computer speaker manufacturer claim 120 watts PMPO they mean Peak Milliwatts Power Output. So OK I actually have 1.2 watts RMS. :smash:
If anyone is capable of this feat of engineering, it would be Feandil.
I anxiously await the results.



p.s. 99db sen. and 1000w power handling. The car audio guys must be drooling. Might have something to go with their 150db bass. Where you would listen to this from, I'm not exactly sure.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
AJinFLA said:
If anyone is capable of this feat of engineering, it would be Feandil.
I anxiously await the results.



p.s. 99db sen. and 1000w power handling. The car audio guys must be drooling. Might have something to go with their 150db bass. Where you would listen to this from, I'm not exactly sure.

Yes I agree, out of all the multi-million dollar driver houses vs. Feandil and his mate... well its a no brainer :D

Seriously though, if you do it and its proven, I'll buy a couple.
Audiophilenoob said:

what's so great about this, is that it foils your mind to try and understand it, so the idea will be impossible for someone to think of on their own not even by tearing it apart and looking at it could you find out the secret behind it
we can do it... for this size...........

we have a 6.5" speaker with 10kw-20kw Rms getting worked out now with a Mms around 2.5g

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D lool

What is so great in your plans is that you have misplaced point couple of times and have error of 2 decades in your calculations :)

When your patent application is ready so that you can reveal your ground-breaking technology to public? I am affraid that you have to disappear from this forum before you lose your face...

Any 20kw prototypes tested yet? :D
Anyone done thermal desings sees obvious problems dissipating 15kW in 6.5" speaker. Even if you manage to get rid of heat in voicecoil and transfer it to entire speaker structure, its going to be 6.5" piece piece at 4000K werry soon. Or cool it with airflow, you need supersonic air velocity to pass enough air to cool 6.5" piece at 15kW power dissipation. Good luck.

And dont tell that "You dont understand principles" etc. Just tell when your patent process is ready.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004

Perhaps it wasn't such a great idea to post theoretics based on modelling and what-if's.

As you can see your not getting quite the reaction you were after and its turning into a bit of circus simply because DIY'ers are the biggest sceptics of all.

The best bet is to build it, test it to death and then come back with the actual data where folks can make informed opinions on a design that actually exists. Instead of listing the type of specs you could get on paper, afterall a particle cannon is possible in the 'lab' but out in the real word its impractical given current technologies and materials.

I think the hardest thing to believe is the quoted 1000w continuous power handling for a 1" dome or 20kw for 6.5". There's many many driver houses who invest megabucks into R&D but still have absolutely nothing that approaches those figures and that's what people draw their conclusions from.

The best tactic here would be to keep it quiet until you have something concrete and its at that point you'll have the last laugh, otherwise as it stands your ideas are nothing more than conjecture based on modellings and stating anything otherwise is folly and will likely lead to your ideas simply being discredited.
AJinFLA said:
If anyone is capable of this feat of engineering, it would be Feandil.
I anxiously await the results.



p.s. 99db sen. and 1000w power handling. The car audio guys must be drooling. Might have something to go with their 150db bass. Where you would listen to this from, I'm not exactly sure.

it's not a "feat of engineering" ... it's just we're the first ones to think of it... period

the other speakers are way more impressive... however the reason I posted was the simple fact that I was interested in feedback before I run the order

maybe it's a bit to much to trust me on this... fine... not really a big deal to be honest... you'll see soon anyway

my friends in car audio competition are already drooling all over this technology... nobody else has known about this till now... but it's been about 1 mth into the designs
mzzj said:

Anyone done thermal desings sees obvious problems dissipating 15kW in 6.5" speaker. Even if you manage to get rid of heat in voicecoil and transfer it to entire speaker structure, its going to be 6.5" piece piece at 4000K werry soon. Or cool it with airflow, you need supersonic air velocity to pass enough air to cool 6.5" piece at 15kW power dissipation. Good luck.

I have a coil sitting here with this tech done with it... it handled 12kw of AC current before it was destroyed... not moving in a speaker setting... sitting on a concrete slab

it's not 4000K... no way...

and again... you don't understand what we're doing... but to assume it doesn't work because you can't imagine it is childish

I assure you I didn't pull this out of my ****... but then again the point of this thread wasn't to get browny points from you guys

and again you forget that the speaker moves... and this tweeter is moving 4-6mm at around 5000 times per sec... again that's just a base figure we haven't tested this full speaker... however I assure you that the coil is the last thing that will break

we're not certain that we'll ever reveal the cheaper method as we likely can't patent it... however we'll reveal the more expensive one after patent... it's also a BIG selling point
ShinOBIWAN said:

The best bet is to build it, test it to death and then come back with the actual data where folks can make informed opinions on a design that actually exists. Instead of listing the type of specs you could get on paper, afterall a particle cannon is possible in the 'lab' but out in the real word its impractical given current technologies and materials.

I think the hardest thing to believe is the quoted 1000w continuous power handling for a 1" dome or 20kw for 6.5". There's many many driver houses who invest megabucks into R&D but still have absolutely nothing that approaches those figures and that's what people draw their conclusions from.

agreed... but I wanted feedback on the marketability of this...

it was helpful that now we're going to use the far less expensive 200w version

because people spend money doesn't mean they've ever even thought of this... the reason Dylan thought of this (and about 10 other amazing ways to do things in speakers we haven't done before) is because he's a chemical engineer

AIM him at OlogyAudio and see what he has to say shin

actually it's not the power handling that interests me... it's the efficency... it just so happens that extreme power handling is a byproduct

BTW I've tested the cheaper method as I stated... without a former and cone.... if you wanna know what exactly we found email me... however it works... well

thanks for the help folks
Cal Weldon said:

I have an idea. Since this is not a productive thread at this point,

Noob: you stop talking about it until there is something to show us.

Everyone else: you stop questioning it, no matter what your thoughts, until he has shown us.


Noob, here from you in a week or two?


cheers cal if you want a working prototype it will be a month... or two...
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