Do you know what I hate?

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I hate when you offer to buy someone's stuff on craigslist for the asking price.... then they ask you to make an offer (above asking price).

Do it on Ebay then ya jerks!

If they want a better price, offer them half. When they ask how that is better, remind them is is a matter of perspective.

I needed a cheap used car once. I found one that would do. I asked the price and they said $1600. So I offered $50. He exclaimed how that was ridiculous. "Well", I said "so is $1600; so go into the manager and find out what the ^*% you can sell me the car for". I left in a few minuets with it for $900.
diyAudio Moderator Emeritus
Joined 2001
I hate that in the US, the local TV stations lead off their evening newscast with some vague weather prediction designed not to inform but to keep you tuned until the weather segment comes on in 20 minutes. So instead of "still cold tomorrow but mild after that", it's "end to record cold coming-but when? Details later in the broadcast".
I dislike how this world has turned so selfish and greedy. There is very little love and kindness left in the world even between family memebers. It breaks my heart to see even friends now a days tell you it will cost you instead of helping out were it is need for free. The world has grown colder and colder by the day. I better get a thicker warmer jacket? ( That is hy I enjoy coming here! You all or most of you treat me like a family member). This is one of the few forums I will go on because of putting someone down or kicking them in the teeth because you know me then them? Again hat's off to all the diyers and this forum!
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I hate religions, all of them. It is according to me thoughts for weak minds by people whom want rules the masses and their fears, sometimes their own by seing it at a cultural heritage; let them work for their own confort. I hate psychanilsm which is a modern religion. Both has Nothing to see in a modern country or personn. I love religious has their fragility needs protection as children.

I love philosophy and laws which has proved their efficacity for living together.

Sometimes I hate hifi as it seems a religion where people may play a priests hiearachy... behind scientifics words to hide them !

But what I really hate is being blocked in WC with last paper left being the last issue of Stereophile.... while thanking God not to have the electronic version only on my tablett yet !
I try not to hate, it's a waste of time & energy, it drains you and puts people off you.

You can't control hate.

Hate happens naturally when you can't solve a problem, especially when you think you can solve it.

I hate when i just talked to a kijiji seller by e-mail for a week, asking questions, very politely,tell him that he's sure he want to let go at that low price, ask for the bank account to make transfer, and then get a reply saying he sold "it" to someone else at the same time i'm dropping the money in....

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I dislike how this world has turned so selfish and greedy. There is very little love and kindness left in the world even between family memebers. It breaks my heart to see even friends now a days tell you it will cost you instead of helping out were it is need for free. The world has grown colder and colder by the day. I better get a thicker warmer jacket?

don't get me started...

anyway, can't talk politics or Moderator will come with his blue hat.

Anyway, i will just say that it's the "liberal" model taking all the place after the fall of communism, the liberal model being the exact opposite ideology and as poisonous when supported heavily by those who profit from it.

enough politics pidesd:smash:
That would simply case frustration in most people.

Most folk either manage to control their hatred or they get locked up.

Since i can't control what i hate (or love)...

I try to understand at least WHY i can't be "happy" or solve the problem.

And then tell myself i'm just a mere human and there is probably some Extra-terrestrial specyie that is way more complex than me and that also have problems.

Having problems is also an opportunity to get better and is not indesirebla in itself.'s how i look at it

By the way, where is the LOVE thread...? :)
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