diyAudio t-shirt catchphrase ideas

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diyAudio Member
Joined 2007
I would paraphrase that as

If you're throwing that out can I have it? Please?? "

My wife laughed like mad; she has actually heard me say that more than once.

This gets one of my votes too.

Jason I have a fund raising idea for you,
dollar a vote; multiple voting allowed, encouraged even and go for the best 10
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
The winner of the 2006 Nobel prize, Edmund Phelps, wrote a recent article dealing with the intellectual restlessness and curiosity of mankind -- and therein coined the term "homo innovaticus" His Latin is lacking -- I think it's just "innovatus", and the future active participle is probably more apt: innovaturus.

I think it really is Homo Ludens. Someone (Feynman?) once said: I'm making my best discoveries when I'm just doodling, playing.

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