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DIY Speakers/System - 15" + OS15 Waveguides

Selling my system - open to parting it out or selling together. Update: main enclosures/horns are sold

The main L/R speakers are 15" 2-ways with oblate spheroidal waveguides + foam plugs. They were early fiberglass Geddes waveguides I acquired around 10 years ago. The waveguides are glassed into the 0.75" MDF enclosures; the compression drivers mount to them with metal plates. The enclosures are ported (port on rear), 3.5 ft^3 tuned to approx 30 Hz, and covered in bedliner.

I have three 12" subs that I used with them (each 2.5 ft^3 tuned to 30 Hz).
A couple of those enclosures have cosmetic damage. All ports in all enclosures are 4" aero ports.

The components are:

Behringer DCX-2496
Crown CP660 amp (60x6)
(2) B&C DE200
(2) Eminence Kappalite 3015
(3) JBL GTO1214d

I'm open to parting out the system - main thing is I want the horn/enclosures going to use somewhere. If you want to use your own amps/processing and or swap compression drivers, I'll work with you. Condition wise, everything is 12-15 years old and shows some age, but has very rarely been pushed hard. The backlighting on the DCX is out, but otherwise is seems to work normally.

I'm located in twin cities area, MN. If you're local, I could bring the system over for a demo. If not I can provide more detailed pictures as necessary. For pricing, I'm thinking the following (minus shipping).

DCX: $125
CP660: $150
DE200s: $100
KL 3015s: $200
Main enclosures/horns: SOLD
Subs: $60/ea

Open to offers!
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Pics of main enclosures and electronics


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