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DIY Similar LS 3/5A bookshelf speakers

Joined 2001
Paid Member
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The audio in the YouTube tells us nothing, and still pictures would tell us more.

LS3/5A has, to me, a mysterious following of peopel who love them. When they were new i had a love-hate relationship with them and today have built quite a few simialr size speakers that smoke them IMO.

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Ah, the LS3/5A, probably the most overated loudspeaker that has ever existed. Not that it is bad but it sure is in no way as good as it legend might want you to believe. People hype them because they were suppose to be reference monitors from the BBC. Well, in reality, they were developed as very nearfield monitors in television broadcast trucks and were developed mostly for speech, not music. They have NO real bass and that was designed that way to overcome the problematic placement and acoustics in those trucks. "Reference" is not equal to "Quality" Reference in this case means that they were tools to refer to how the broadcast would sound on an average television. The LS3/5A is a legendary working tool that does a lot of things right that was about perfect for its purpose but that purpose was not highend stereo playback in an average living room.
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