diy bybee quantum purifiers?

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How to diy bybee quantum purifiers?

Is it 0 ohm resistor?

It is not a 0R resistor. I once saw very similar looking devices to what was shown at one point in time to be within these Bybee devices as special RFI suppressors in a catalog of one company or another.

The claims where that this was like ferrites, but without resonances and working into the GHz range. Did not bother to persue this.

Ciao T

If it worked as RFI filter, it would be easily measurable. I do not recall any serious proof of this. There was a long debate in a BT thread.

Note, I did not say that the Bybee stuff did anything. Merely that I have seen industrially made devices that where visually very close to what was revealed to hide in Bybee devices advertised as "special new type of RFI blockers". It is these green things that some may mistake for resistors.

Other than these observations I have no further comments or experiences.

Ciao T
I am sure there are skeptics here on this forum regarding the validity of quantum purifiers, but his intellectual property behind his devices was at one time classified by the U.S. defense department.

Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. And if he told you what was in them he'd have to kill you.

The technology was initially used in radar applications for signal noise reduction during the Cold War.

That's funny. Bybee had always claimed he originally developed them for use in sonar systems for the Navy.

Interestingly, there are such things as "quantum filters" (which is what Bybee called them before he started calling them "purifiers." And these quantum filters do indeed use superconductive materials, which is what Bybee had claimed his used. However they require that they be cooled by liquid nitrogen to make them superconductive.

Bybee had always implied that he was offering what amounts to room temperature superconductors.



His marketing ******** as to how these things worked was basically lifted from the BCS theory of superconductivity (going on about Cooper pairs and such). Seeing as they are to be used at room temperature and higher, he was basically claiming them to be room temperature superconductors.

Either that or he was claiming that they wouldn't work at room temperature. Take your pick.

Man, I wish we had them quantum purifiers. Our spin polarisation isn't working good enough to get a clean sample of Rubidium in our reservoir trap. Reducing the linewidth of them lazors is not an option and due to thad damn quadratic Zeeman effect we can't increase the splitting any further, with gravity and all that. If we only had them purifiers in our photodiodes' signal lines, our quantums would be so much more purified...also the guys next door buildin' them fancy quantum computers could probably use some purified quantums too.
Am I right?

get naked, smear peanut butter on yourself and roll around the floor with your spin polariser, usually fixes most things for me:D
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Jim Hagerman's post I found over at another site sums it up. Hope no-one minds.

"My better judgement tells me I should not say anything...

But I met the guy once at a psuedo-technical presentation he gave regarding the purifiers. It was easy to remain a skeptic as the crowd stooped to kiss his feet. Lots of fancy jargon used. No true explanation, though. I tried various queries to see what I could pull out of him, but he was extremely deceptive, perhaps intentionally so (can you blame him?). Never a straightforward answer, incomplete responses. The scary part (for me) was that he did it with a quirky, smug smile as though he was duping me. Hey, maybe I read him wrong. But the unbelievably vague responses combined with his demeanor left me very unsatisfied. Ok, so I decided to leave him alone. I didn't want to be a total ays howel. As the evening progressed and discussions varied all over the map, I was absolutely dumbfounded by what he didn't know. That is, amongst topics in electronics and physics. I was awestruck by some of the things he said. How could he get so much wrong and be a physicist?

The next day I did a bunch of searches. No patents. No scientific papers. Yes, he was a consultant to a Navy lab (submarines?) for like two years back in the 70s. And then something about Berkeley alumni. Again, the lack of credible information spoke loudly. I am left completely unfulfilled.

Nevertheless! I have heard purifiers in A/B tests. Yes, they do make a difference. Most of the time it was for the better. Subtle, but it was there. I would say they tend to remove a level of graininess, and by doing such, appear to improve on the background noise level. Scary, but isn't that what they claim?"


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Marce's summary is a lie, and you are looking for a lawsuit.

Marce's in the UK. Good luck with that lawsuit.

I've said worse about the purifiers and Bybee himself. Why no lawsuit? That'd make my day. Can you say "discovery" boys and girls?

In American law, discovery is the pre-trial phase in a lawsuit in which each party through the law of civil procedure can request documents and other evidence from other parties and can compel the production of evidence by using a subpoena or through other discovery devices, such as requests for production of documents, and depositions.

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