diy bybee quantum purifiers?

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You probably use "religious" with beliefs as in strong, not based on facts beliefs.

No, just beliefs which can't be falsified which they use as justifications for their actions. Facts aren't in oversupply in relation to the huge number of beliefs we all have. Beliefs which don't modify people's actions are just opinions and far less interesting to study.

But I think the forum policy refers to beliefs in which a deity is involved. Anyhow, I don't know.

I don't know either, guess it relates to formal religions.

I agree with you that many here hold strong beliefs. I have no problem with that. At some point, one runs out of facts. Some don't want to stop when that happens, because they got some "feeling." I consider it a personal freedom of choice, and would like to reserve the right to have that choice for myself too. :D

Yep, no disagreements there at all. Just because I term people's views 'religious' doesn't mean I don't like them or even that I want to argue them out of them. I just like exploring them :p
Joined 2004
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Hiya John,
Here it is years later and you are still talking about the same old topic and saying the same things.
I forgot the SPECIFIC criticisms of the Bybee purifiers, that you and SY seem to hold dear to your hearts.
It seems pretty clear to me that since no detailed explanation on how these are supposed to work precludes any type of specific rebuttal. The only thing this proves is that you have not added to any collective knowledge for years so far.

Why not have Mr. Bybee loan some of these out to SY for tests? You know him, and we all know he will report honestly. The silly nonsense that suggests someone should just simply buy some and report ignores the main issue that is that the effects these devices are supposed to have are in question. Since Mr. Bybee owns a Mercedes and a Bentley, and you have an Acura and a Porsche suggests that the loaning out of these for examination should not poss any financial hardship for either of you.

Oops, that act may kill off the discussions as there will be a real witness that can report on these things. Can't have that!

As for me, I don't have a car anymore, but my wife has a '98 Pontiac Grand Am. My brother on the other hand has four or five large car lots. He's allowed me to drive just about everything out there, but not for a while since I can't really drive much any more. So does having well off family members trump well off friends? I even have lunch with my brother occasionally. Big whoop! His wealth has nothing to do with my life, not unless you're trying to tell us that you're a "kept man". :D

I'd really like to see if you can answer questions put to you in a straight manner. I'm assuming you can still learn new things, and that your long association with Jack Bybee has allowed you to learn something. Understand that "who" owns whatever, or has said whatever is not worth anything at all. First hand, verifiable facts are really what is needed here. Otherwise, your reputation just keeps on taking hits.

No, don't suggest people buy these devices John. If one is sold to 25% of the US population, Jack will be rich whether or not these things work at all. I think that is the actual plan here. Each sale represents a substantial amount of revenue, so of course everyone should just buy one and try it. Gimme a break.

ps answer to Cal
No, I just have to answer questions.
Sure you're not in politics there John? You're saying that you will answer questions, and also that you will not. Last time I looked, what makes a question has nothing to do with who asks the question. Or, do you really mean you will only answer "safe" questions that do not require factual information?

Fractal antennas, SY, please tell us more.
Oh, for heavens sakes John. Take your own advice and look it up!
These appear in engineering literature. tell you what John, I'll even supply you with a link to a Google search. Now all you have to do is click. This is far less effort than you expect from everyone else here.

Personally, I believe you are either being used, or this is a great amount of amusement for you. There are things you could have done the last years to help clear this stuff up.

Have fun! -Chris
diyAudio Chief Moderator
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Don't remember who said that intuition is for discovery and reason is for explanation or something like that, but when something ''discovered'' is not solidly explained it is called a claim. Certainly a job half done and a bad service to itself, especially if it can show some function when experienced. To claim brings skepticism and controversy naturally. There exist reason and myth. The 2 persuasions that shaped the world. Many a time found mixed inseparably. The ones who have chosen their persuasion and serve it purely are fortunate.Those who can't, are the unfortunate. And those who mix it on purpose are the opportunists. Modern money mechanics. Since we need to know much about someone in person so to say anything fair about someone in public, lets move on from the caricature deviation here, may I propose to the distinguished gentlemen?

Salas Esq.:D
Joined 2004
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Hi John,
Fair enough. Still, it should be fairly easy to dig this info out. If SY is anything like me, I'll read or notice an article in EDN or other similar magazine and just know I glanced at the article. Don't ask me for specifics unless I was really interested in the article.

The flexible silicon and PCB substrate stuff is interesting, really interesting in fact. Think curved displays and extremely cool cell phones.

I am pretty sure that I read about it in a IEEE transaction or the 'Proceedings' but I also read 'EDN', 'Electronics Design', 'Electronic Products' and about 10 more publications on a continuous basis. In fact, I just told Jack Bybee yesterday of something that I just found in 'Electronic Products' April 2010 p. 11. It's about nanotubes, in OUTLOOK. Care to elaborate?
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Joined 2004
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Hi John,
I also read a number of industry journals on a regular basis. It's a great way to keep abreast of useful developments, plus just industry specific news. I very unfortunately discontinued my IEEE membership eons ago (early 80s), and didn't join the AES when I had the chance (also in the 80s). It seems I made a number of bad decisions during that time which has cost me dearly in access to information.

I'm pretty sure I also saw that information in EDN as well. I do have to admit that I normally skip to "Tales from the cube" first. :)

Just to make it clear, I am a Life Member of the IEEE, they send me publications for free, these days. This is because I was enrolled continuously for more than 40 years as a dues paying member, and I get virtually every publication that I want, that doesn't cost me much, if anything. Just yesterday, I turned down a free subscription to 'Laser Focus World' or some such, because I don't design lasers anymore.
My point is that most of you have less interest in getting new info than I do, and I like to share, if anyone is interested. Having grown men acting like high school kids, with verbal pranks, etc just wastes bandwidth. Also, scolding me for not looking something up, is laughable, because that is what I do all day. I hope this clears the air, and we can be more productive.
Anything 'new' to share, SYN08. A new IC perhaps? I am always interested in new IC's. I want to save money be eliminating the AD797 that I am using at the moment. It is too expensive, and I want to get even with Scott Wurcer for being mean to me [ ;-) ]. Do you, sir, have any suggestions. I tried the OPA1611 and found it wanting. Is there anything else out there with an approximately 1nV/rt Hz input noise and cheaper and better sounding than the AD797? Please everyone, give me your input.
Anything 'new' to share, SYN08. A new IC perhaps? I am always interested in new IC's. I want to save money be eliminating the AD797 that I am using at the moment. It is too expensive, and I want to get even with Scott Wurcer for being mean to me [ ;-) ]. Do you, sir, have any suggestions. I tried the OPA1611 and found it wanting. Is there anything else out there with an approximately 1nV/rt Hz input noise and cheaper and better sounding than the AD797? Please everyone, give me your input.

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diy bybee quantum purifiers?

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