DIY audio spectrum kits.

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Hey all!

Does anyone know of any DIY audio spectrum kits off the net? I'm wanting one for an amp I'm building.
I've been looking around with little luck, I found one but it costs $225 which i think is a bit much 😱
Would there be a way of pulling apart a screen from a cheap tablet off eBay an modifying it any way?

Any suggestions are welcome 🙂

This is the one I found; 20 Band Audio Spectrum Analyzer (assembled) [v2.1] - $140.00 : Youritronics, shop for electronic kits

Apologies if I posted in the wrong section!

Cheers 🙂
I would look at sparkfun, they have arduino's and led bars:

If you go the arduino route (which is fun), i would first ask the same question at the arduino forum. Most likely someone did something similar and can tell exactly what you need.
Also i think sparkfun is not the cheapest reseller, for instance i can buy those led bars for €0.85 in the netherlands.

Here is the arduino forum:
Index - Arduino Forum
I would look at sparkfun, they have arduino's and led bars:

If you go the arduino route (which is fun), i would first ask the same question at the arduino forum. Most likely someone did something similar and can tell exactly what you need.
Also i think sparkfun is not the cheapest reseller, for instance i can buy those led bars for €0.85 in the netherlands.

Here is the arduino forum:
Index - Arduino Forum

Thats great! Thanks for your help, much appreciated 🙂
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