DIY Audio Expo, Sofia, spring '07

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"Hello, World!" - bold words, eh!

In a nutshell: we've started up the "DIY Audio Club" in Bulgaria (in case you need to know where the f*** that is - type "bulgaria" into the Google Earth search field and click.. ).

We recently had our first modest DIY Audio Meet, bringing together about 50+ enthusiastic Audio-Nuts from all over the country, aged 16-60! It was a one-day event, intended to provide us with the opportunity to meet in person and to have a lot of FUN - listening to and comparing several DIY amps, speakers and modified sources (CD players). And it was really a lot of FUN! The day ended in a nearby barbecue restaurant, where we manifested our abilities to devour steak with plenty of beer!

Encouraged by the success of this event, we came up with the idea to organize an "DIY Audio Expo", this time spanning 2 days, 14/15 april '07 - the weekend following Easter.

The event will be held in one of the hotels in Sofia (venue to be defined), with a larger hall to house the 'expo' part, a smaller room for listening, where stuff will be dragged in and out for each session, and possibly a seminar room, where everyone can present his bright ideas, experience or achievements in any audio-related topic in front of a keen and knowledgeable audience! Commercial exhibitors may be required to pay a modest fee, to help with the funding of the event.

Of coures, we are not in a position to offer any reimbursement of cost or remuneration to attendees, so if you decide to come, it's entirely your choice and cost. Hotel prices in Sofia are very reasonable, the food is excellent and we probably have the highest ratio of extremely attractive single females per capita..! :D

I take the opportunity to extend an invitation to everyone to come and join in the fun. There are no fees or other charges to attend, and you are welcome to drag along anything you feel might be interesting for us to see or listen to!

So, if you're interested, drop a line on my e-mail for further info or assistance with the reservations, and do look at the english section of our local forum, where Q&A's would be posted.

We look forward to seeing you in Sofia! :)

Link to our forum's Q&A:


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