Diy amplifier kit with volume dail

Hello !
Newbie forum member from Belgium here.

As stated in the title I'm looking for a good sounding amp kit that has at least a volume control dail (+ dac module) for sale in Belgium

And of course some advice on the while diy audio thing

Oh and rather no Amazon/AliExpress/temu stuff

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
You might get lucky and find a complete kit like that, but odds are that you'll be looking at three projects:
  • Power amp
  • Preamp
  • DAC

If you're willing to accept a digital volume control and also that you only have a digital source, then you could combine the DAC and the preamp.

I'm not aware of any vendors in Belgium specifically, but I ship world-wide so if you're willing to broaden your horizons a bit I could help you with the power amp and preamp parts. I have yet to design a DAC.
