"DIY 1.5KW Bipolar Class-H"

surpriendi me! bass sounds like a cannon. true hard bass!high quality!
I raise the voltage. This test was done with +100 +50 +15 gnd -15 -50 -100.
I raise voltage to +140 vdc and will post new results. I acrecentar more transistors in the output.

Ok I'm totally new to the forum, but I must say, this thing looks absolutely SICK! I wish I had the money to build it, and a use for it lol. My car stereo barely uses 2kw total (for now) lol.

Just out of curiosity, how much would just the components cost to build something like this, with or without power supply?
7% of regulation. Provides 4000wrms. Tension falls from 70vac to 65vac.
should weigh 15kg

3% regulation is even better....but then you will need bigger and heavier traffo....:D

in my book a 4kw traffo will have a core area of at least 11.3 sq inches, so a 2 1/2 center leg x 4.5 inches stack, iron would probably weigh in at 25kgs estimated...this is EI traffo......:D
Ok I'm totally new to the forum, but I must say, this thing looks absolutely SICK! I wish I had the money to build it, and a use for it lol. My car stereo barely uses 2kw total (for now) lol.

Just out of curiosity, how much would just the components cost to build something like this, with or without power supply?
I think U.S. 200.00, this included the transformer made ​​by hand.