I have digitized hundreds of lps with audacity and Spin It Again, but now the feed from my turntable is intermittent. I thought it was an electronic issue in my audio Techniques turntable so I bought a new Ion turntable with on board speakers . Lps play fine but when coupled to my pc to digitize the sound is intermittent. I'm not an electronics brain so I'm in need of help. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Well dear LP Friend, firs tof all we need to identify the reasons for the intermittent gaps. And for this a complete description of the complete playing/digitizing/interfacing/recording chain including digitazation bit depth and freuency would be helpful as well as the clear statements of any changes made between the first and the recent digitizing session, including the software and PC base used.
Having said that: Initial gut feel SWAG leads me to either PC/SW system settings or lack of buffering or USB speed. The complete analogue signal chain would seem to less likely be the offender...
Having said that: Initial gut feel SWAG leads me to either PC/SW system settings or lack of buffering or USB speed. The complete analogue signal chain would seem to less likely be the offender...