Definitive Technology!!??

Hi folks a pair of these 'thrown in' with a couple of StudioMonitor 65's and an 8040HD Centre. Can't find any reference to 'em on these pages....but know that they must be quite old!
Might use them as a pair of place of a couple of Monitor Audio Vector 'rears'.
(Trying to work out if this might be a good move before committing myself with changes to buried's a long story!!)

Anyone out there have any experience of these??
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Do you know if they are working?

Can you see if the drivers are ok and the surrounds are not rotted. Can you check if the drivers are not short or Open circuit before connecting them up to an amp.

If they check out Ok, give them a try. looks like a seas 4 inch and maybe a vifa tweeter with phase plate on each angled face.
Try a google search you will get some hits.