DC on Lightspeed-attenuator possible

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Yes it has potential to be a great topic.
But only if you stop knocking the alternatives.

"It is better to drive the coupler LED from a constant current source, to minimize the effects of variations in LED forward voltage from device to device and temperature ".
Silonex Silonex Inc.: Technical Reference: Audio Level Control with Resistive Optocouplers ( attenuator configurations )

and progress is natural. :)

I am not knocking the alternatives, I have objected and asked for moderator input as you are well aware, to continued commercial advertisement within forum, that is against forum rules. all members of diy audio are required to abide by those rules,... and I did not write those rules.

Cheers / Chris
I don't know.
I am not going to guess.

I appreciate your honesty, and perhaps you can start to see the issue of advertising in standard discussion threads that I am am focusing on. Personally I think George is very clever to have brought and shared such wonderful ideas with us.

His thread should continue in vendors bazaar, and he should be welcomed to contribute to discussion threads, however not using the avatar, the .com site etc as this is commercial activity... aimed at a bunch of customers as uriah stated. We should all have a level playing field.. and follow the rules. .:)

Cheers / Chris
.......only if you stop knocking the alternatives.

The Thread could very easily degenerate into a them and us arguing over why the other is wrong.

You have the power to help ensure constructive discussion.

...........as this is commercial activity... aimed at a bunch of customers as uriah stated. ..........
there's lot's of ways to alienate "them"..

I should know, I do it too often and sometimes I didn't see it going.
I see things this way -
If an manufacturer posts the schematics and material lists for his commercial fully assembled product, and then further posts to help DIY builders with assembly, test, and de-bug tips on a commercial design, that should be allowed. For those that wish to build it from scratch, all the info. is there to accomplish building a DIY copy of the commercial device.

For a DIY focused group, that discussion in a non-vendor forum should be allowed. If people want to buy the assembled version, why are they here at diyAudio?

The key thing is that the design is fully public, and the posts from the manufacturer are not about encouraging people to buy his assembled product.

This same theme has a long history in other Forums here, where well known manufacturers post schematics of commercial products, and assist people in building them. These discussions are DIY friendly and encourage members to post mods and offshoots of the assembled commercial design.

The supplied link of a similar "optocoupler" product above does not meet the definition for a DIY friendly forum. There is no schematic, if you look under the hood all key circuits are potted, and there currently is no lower cost DIY version offered. One must buy a fully assembled commercial unit of that design to obtain it. NOT DIY.

And using a non-commercial forum for unsolicited new product announcements, revisions, etc. of a product only available fully assembled is certainly commercial activity and should not be allowed except in explicit vendor forums.

Can't really comment on commercial pictures in avatars or web sites in signatures, except if you would like to do something similar, please go directly to the moderators privately and ask permission. That's where this sort of discussion belongs, not in the public forum.

Last point - I wonder why a contributor who criticizes another for using a thread for commercial reasons, would not be self aware that they have web links to similar products for sale (albeit DIY oriented) in their signature, and also realize that they are a frequent poster to that same thread. Pot calling the kettle black? I don't care, as they products are DIY oriented, and think it's OK. It's just weird.
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If an manufacturer posts the schematics and material lists for his commercial fully assembled product, and then further posts to help DIY builders with assembly, test, and de-bug tips on a commercial design, that should be allowed. For those that wish to build it from scratch, all the info. is there to accomplish building a DIY copy of the commercial device.

For a DIY focused group, that discussion in a non-vendor forum should be allowed. If people want to buy the assembled version, why are they here at diyAudio?

The key thing is that the design is fully public, and the posts from the manufacturer are not about encouraging people to buy his assembled product.

Very well put by BFNY ! +1 here.
George has been extremely generous in publishing his schematic and does not hesitate in assisting and answering questions on its optimisation and assembly.

When others have donated as much time, effort and intellectual property to the community then they may well understand how unbecoming their current whining protests are.

My 2cents.
I see things this way -

Last point - I wonder why a contributor who criticizes another for using a thread for commercial reasons, would not be self aware that they have web links to similar products for sale (albeit DIY oriented) in their signature, and also realize that they are a frequent poster to that same thread. Pot calling the kettle black? I don't care, as they products are DIY oriented, and think it's OK. It's just weird.

Yes I have a blog site, Yes I have products for sale, however i have always had the integrity to keep the two separate.

What I believe you refer to is post 5 of http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/solid-state/202003-powering-opamps.html ,

Would you mind informing the forum who provided that post......

Cheers / Chris
I see things this way -
If an manufacturer posts the schematics and material lists for his commercial fully assembled product, and then further posts to help DIY builders with assembly, test, and de-bug tips on a commercial design, that should be allowed. For those that wish to build it from scratch, all the info. is there to accomplish building a DIY copy of the commercial device.

For a DIY focused group, that discussion in a non-vendor forum should be allowed. If people want to buy the assembled version, why are they here at diyAudio?

The key thing is that the design is fully public, and the posts from the manufacturer are not about encouraging people to buy his assembled product.

I agree with this, :) I consider,the posts from the manufacturer in the case of Georges product do provide avatar, .com site links,product name, which does cross the boundary.

if Georges posts did not contain the avatar, the.com links.. and did their best to tone down the product name by referring to it as "my design" I think we would have a winning recipe. :)

This discussion is good, and open. It may need higher decision to enunciate where to from here though.

The Rules provide us with,
The regular forums are non-commercial and should have no advertisements or overtly commercial threads or posts. These belong in the appropriate Commercial Sector forums. Commercial entities may have threads and post in the regular forums discussing theory and initial product design. If a project gets close to commercial availability, the topic must be continued in a Commercial Sector thread.

Discussion of product design considerations may also be discussed by commercial entities in the regular forums, but promotion of specific products is not allowed. Members who want to start commercial threads may do so at no cost in the Vendor's Bazaar. Those who want more commercial exposure are encouraged to contact the management to discuss terms for obtaining a Manufacturers Forum or Vendor's Forum in the Commercial Sector. Banners and display advertisements are also available.

Cheers / Chris
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Originally Posted by oon_the_kid
I would think that having DC is probably a bad idea on a pot. The reason being the DC if modulated will generate a signal of its own. For example. If you have a pot connected to 1v DC. As you turn the wiper there could be intermittent contact at the wiper track. This could make it swing between the set voltage and zero. Could be quite detrimental to your speakers. For ldr, as you swing the pots controlling the leds the light may flicker, causing the same problem. In fact, without the intermittent contact you can sometimes see the speaker move if you the volume control.


hi oon the kid,. LDR's are a four terminal device 2 terminals are signal on one side and on the other side the terminals are called anode and cathode and usually process DC. Between the two is light..... have a read about them here and your fears about DC i think will be corrected: :) Silonex Inc.: Products: Audiohm Optocouplers

Cheers / Chris


You misunderstood. Oon_the_kid had it exactly right.

An LDR is best thought of as two two-terminal devices, since an LDR is simply an LED encapsulated with a CdS photocell in a light-tight enclosure.

Oon_the_kid was correct that a scratchy pot could cause the LED to flicker. That would change the resistance of the CdS photocell (since the LED's light-output level is what directly controls the CdS's resistance), which, if the CdS cell were part of an audio attenuator, would affect the sound.

The only difference between a pot-controlled LDR-based attenuator and a pot-based attenuator, in the case of a noisy pot, would be that the relatively-slow response time of the LDR might smooth the effect of the noise from the pot, somewhat.

His last sentence is about a different situation and would only be applicable if there was a DC offset already across the signal and signal ground conductors, for either type of attenuator.


Tom Gootee
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You misunderstood. Oon_the_kid had it exactly right.

An LDR is best thought of as two two-terminal devices, since an LDR is simply an LED encapsulated with a CdS photocell in a light-tight enclosure.

Oon_the_kid was correct that a scratchy pot could cause the LED to flicker. That would change the resistance of the CdS photocell (since the LED's light-output level is what directly controls the CdS's resistance), which, if the CdS cell were part of an audio attenuator, would affect the sound.

The only difference between a pot-controlled LDR-based attenuator and a pot-based attenuator, in the case of a noisy pot, would be that the relatively-slow response time of the LDR might smooth the effect of the noise from the pot, somewhat.


Tom Gootee

Hi Tom, " but making the speaker move if you the volume control " steered me toward reply to him, that he might have thought Dc side and signal side were the same, other than internal LED then picking up that aberration .which you quite correctly point out could cause some issue sound wise with a faulty pot. Well found though and good to point out.

Cheers / Chris

The statement that speaker move belongs to the pot. I have not played with ldr for volume control. However I have some thoughts on messing around with it. As you change the volume pot toattenuate the AC you change the attenuation of the DC as well. A slowly varying DC can be picked up by the amplifier through the input coupling caps and be transmitted to the speaker. Shivving turn causes it to move slowly. However once the input cap has stabilized to its new level. The speaker reverts back to its old position.



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Would you mind informing the forum who provided that post......

I was not referring to Chris, rather someone on again off again suggesting that Chris may be using the Lightspeed forum to promote products...

who frequently posts in the same forum, and whose signature contains "...purchase LDRs anytime..."with website link and email address. I'm not complaining, I think it a great service, I'm just observing.

I forget exactly where, perhaps close to post 4458 or thereabouts in the Lightspeed forum.

But I see many people have signatures promoting some level or form of products, so if this is not allowed, lots of people are breaking the rules, and have been for a long time. My conclusion - that it is probably allowed. As before, I really don't care, just observing the obvious.
yes, correct.
So,... currently those with signatures containing links to commercial sites and product should only be posting in their respective vendor forums and nowhere else...??
See, it gets farcical real quick eh.

The usual relaxed approach to date has worked remarkably well and it is only with the recent "he's got one and I haven't boo hoo I have complained to the Mods" attitude of some that this seems to have gotten out of hand. :(
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