I got it running. The problem I had was that I was working off ESP's project and it didn't work, so I tried stripping it down to the basics. Still no luck
Turns out when I drew the pcb I didn't connect ground to pin 7.
This happened because when I route It on the PCB I dont route GND but do a copper pour connected to GND.
I'm just happy 'cause it's my first layout of an amplifier.
My previous one was from the datasheet of the TDA2050 chip.
Turns out when I drew the pcb I didn't connect ground to pin 7.
This happened because when I route It on the PCB I dont route GND but do a copper pour connected to GND.
I'm just happy 'cause it's my first layout of an amplifier.
My previous one was from the datasheet of the TDA2050 chip.
Wynand: Does your PCB layout software not include the ability to check your board against a netlist, generated from the schematic?
Whenever I make a board, even from somebody else's schematic, I always do the schematic diagram first, then layout the board using the netlist as a guide. I use ExpressPCB, when you click a pin, everything that is supposed to be connected to it turns blue. This also makes board layout MUCH faster.
But ExpressPCB doesn't do copper pours (you have to draw them yourself).
Whenever I make a board, even from somebody else's schematic, I always do the schematic diagram first, then layout the board using the netlist as a guide. I use ExpressPCB, when you click a pin, everything that is supposed to be connected to it turns blue. This also makes board layout MUCH faster.
But ExpressPCB doesn't do copper pours (you have to draw them yourself).
Wynand said:The Problem was not between The Schematic and the PCB layout software but me just not drawing the connection. As I said, novice/rushing a bit too much.
I think the point he tried to make is that if you use the schematic and use the netlist output from the schematic to do the pcb the connections are AUTOMATICALLY correctly transferred, and you cannot "forget" a connection (or do a wrong one, for that matter).
Jan Didden
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