Hi, quick question as my mind is blank and I can't think of the term to search it.
If I was to put some 40r cans in to a 22w amp what would the damping factor be? Eg, most W I can pull from the amp.
Sorry if it sounds dumb, but mind has gone blank atm.
If I was to put some 40r cans in to a 22w amp what would the damping factor be? Eg, most W I can pull from the amp.
Sorry if it sounds dumb, but mind has gone blank atm.
Forgot to add the amp does 22W in to an 8R load.
The 22W into 8 Ohms gives 13.3Vrms, since P = ( V x V / R )
Into 40 Ohms, that same 13.3Vrms gives P = ( 13.3 x 13.3 / 40 ) = 4.4W
In other words, for a voltage source type of power amplifier,
the output power varies inversely with the load.
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Thank you, refreshed my mind now.
Any designs out there or commercial headphone amps that can deliver that sort of power? Most seem to be limited to 1W, so I bought a module amp to test and find it very good with loads of headroom.
Any designs out there or commercial headphone amps that can deliver that sort of power? Most seem to be limited to 1W, so I bought a module amp to test and find it very good with loads of headroom.
Any designs out there or commercial headphone amps that can deliver that sort of power?
Most seem to be limited to 1W, so I bought a module amp to test and find it very good
with loads of headroom.
I would keep that one, if it works well for you. Check here for many others:
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- Damping factor, could someone refresh my mind?