Dac setup

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I bought a DAC to get the best out of my system , I have noticed that the volume setting dose matter as to the detail's in the music . I am streaming over my laptop to my amplifiers using Jriver , I seem to be able get pretty good results for the most part but was wondering what's the actual best position for the volume control on dac in relationship to the computer's volume . I have noticed if set too low a volume on dac the detail suffer or if volume on computer too high the music distorts , but with some effort I can get a good sound . Is there a set rule that need to be followed to getting the best quality sound from the DAC , streaming combination ??? , please chime in to those that know , thanks.
DAC should probably set to 0 attenuation / gain=1.

Some DAC have volume solutions that are loss less. In this case its maybe better to set the PC to 0 att / gain=1 and use the DAC volume control instead. So as usual, it depends.

Well I am pretty sure the room isn't a hundred percent and the speakers are pretty good all JBL equipment Vintage and pretty good condition I think majority of the problems just lie within the actual sweet spot for the volume of the computer versus the volume of the Dac I would imagine that if my components wer the issue possibly i would of heard it before placing the Dac .The Dac just enhanced the sound quality either for the better or the worst depending on the setting. Just my thoughts,i could be very wrong.
Well my amps are vintage as well 6550 100w , it could be possible that all was not 100% perfect however i did notice an overall improvement in sound when i added the Dac. The only thing is i noticed a decline in audio quality depending on volume levels of Dac or computer.as far as i can tell my speakers are fine , when i ran them on my marantz sound quality was good there without a Dac . Based on that outcome with marantz i just conclude speakers are fine .
Well my amps are vintage as well 6550 100w , it could be possible that all was not 100% perfect however i did notice an overall improvement in sound when i added the Dac. The only thing is i noticed a decline in audio quality depending on volume levels of Dac or computer.as far as i can tell my speakers are fine , when i ran them on my marantz sound quality was good there without a Dac . Based on that outcome with marantz i just conclude speakers are fine .
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