Cyrus 2 amplifier

Hi, Richie.

Thanks for the feedback. I will start testing the circuit after I finish the re-cap, and hope you can help me again when I get stuck.


Hi, Ritchie.

After recapping, I still read -19v at D7 and VR1 output reads -37.9VDC instead of -18V. I replaced the VR1 LM337 and recapped C70 (22mf 25V), which was blown. R119 and D12 (resistor) are now running hot.

Can you or any other Cyrus experts kindly direct me to probable source of the problem? Many thanks!

Thank you for your immediate reply to my there any chance to rectify this issue .i have changed the main capacitors, few 22 mfd 50v, 100 mfd 50v, but this issue is only once we switched off the amplifier after few minutes or few hours. kindly help me mark...also i suspect the 470 mfd 6v bipolar under the ribbon cable but the same is not available here in india.
Ciao Sorry for the automatic translation .....But I'm Italian from Venice....I recently bought a pair of Mission Cyrus two + PSX I noticed that in the cyrus two inside the R 121 section there are 2 resistors instead of one only as I usually see on sites where this amplifier is mentioned and I saw that the pair of F4 fuses have not been removed to couple the PSX, is my question normal? From the videos he sent me during the purchase, the old owner can be seen that he had both 2 frames (Cyrus + PSX) with the power LEDs on, so he used the internal power supply of the Cyrus, again I ask is this normal or yes ruin if you don't remove the F4 fuses inside the Cyrus using it in pair Cyrus + PSX thanks I hope someone will help me Merry Christmas everyone


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