Does anyone know if where I can find a set of plans for the Curvy Chang speaker or is this even still a viable design? Just like the look of it and thought it’d be a quick fun build. Thanks
From Dave or myself, but obsolescent since the FE207E (the design driver) was discontinued about a decade ago, so realistically speaking you need to have a set of those on a shelf somewhere for it to be viable.
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Thanks Scott. That’s what I was afraid of. Doing a Spawn right now, just liked the shape of the . Curvy Chang. Do you know if anything with those same type lines, the curves and ports in the front?
Well, I'd note a 'beware' point here; you say you're interested because you like the shape, which is fine in itself, but that shape was created for a specific acoustic purpose (focused radiation) and it has an optimal listening distance; move more than, say, a foot inside or outside that range & performance falls off.