Curses to all of you...

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Even though Love the One You're With is in constant rotation on the classic rock station, I can still play it and have it feel like it was the first time.

I bought 6 records for a dollar, that's where the 16 cents comes from. Others were Rickey Lee Jones' Pirates, Loggins & Messina (w/ Angry Eyes), one side of All Things Must Pass, New Riders of the Purple Sage, and Stevie Winwood's Back in the High Life. Only Stephen Stills has made it into my regular rotation. Not a bad haul though for a dollar. I'll have to talk to my neighbor, it was from his collection but he wasn't out there selling them at the yard sale. They were probably either duplicates, so beat up he didn't think they were playable, or stuff he just didn't like. I never knew him to play records in any case.


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Silly cartoon. Yes, new vinyl is $16 each. I'm not buying much of that now. To misquote Douglas Adam's Restaurant at the End of the Universe I'm spending 8 years dead until the Social Security payments come in. Its amazing how much fun you can have at the piano without using batteries or gasoline.
I'm paying up to $1 each for used LP's but usually 2 or 3 for $1. I like classical music, most people don't, so those records end up old inventory ready for the dumpster. I'm beginning to like forties fifties singers, which used to be all over the radio like the plague, but are now are rare and only on the AM band after midnight. (except the plague of MP3's on the net) Singer type LP's also go 2 or 3 for $1 at salvation army & goodwill. I got somebody's whole Dinah Shore collection this summer, 8 LP's, 3 for $1. I scored Some Tony Bennetts, some Dean Martins, some Doris Day and Bing Crosby. Rock music, well, I like it but those LP's are torn up anyway, I won't pay the markup for the vulture who visits SA every day and carries the rock LP's off to the flea market. .
And keep your MP3, they sound like ****. See this thread: Who's audio quality do you like best? | Piano Forum
Ianblack in the thread owns and repairs grand pianos. I own and repair console pianos and various electronic organs. We know what sounds real and what sounds plastic.
Stop this nonsense - all music is enjoyable. It all depends on the listening moode and preferences of the listener. As our hearing differs there is no universal sound that is more "right". Find your "right" sound and it can be delivered from different medias and transports - that is the hard one - where to find guidance as everyone is promoting their own "right" sound... :p
I have luckily found MY sound and for now I'm playing with it - testing changes here and there. The transport I'm least happy with is analogue FM radio and I suspect a bit is due to a bad antenna. I tried DAB+ but as the wast spectrum had to be filled with whatever the bandwidht is about 160kbit mp3 and as I don't listen to mp3's I rather go with analogue FM 15khz times two channels.

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